(a)   The Community Grant Advisory Board shall consist of 11 members appointed by a majority vote of the City Commission. Each of the members shall serve for a term of three (3) years or until the member's successor is duly appointed. No member shall serve more than two consecutive terms. After a member has served two consecutive terms, he/she shall be ineligible for reappointment to the board until one year has expired since the last date of service to the board.
   (b)   Any vacancy on the Community Grant Advisory Board shall be filled as in the case of the original appointment, as set forth herein, for the unexpired term of the member whose vacancy is so filed.
   (c)   All members of the Community Grant Advisory Board shall serve without compensation and shall be subject to removal from office by a majority vote of the City Commission.
   (d)   The Community Grant Advisory Board shall be composed of the following members:
      (1)   One representative of Springfield Metropolitan Housing Authority;
      (2)   One housing provider;
      (3)   One supportive services organization;
      (4)   One realtor;
      (5)   One neighborhood representative;
      (6)   One educator or educational institution representative;
      (7)   Three residents of qualified low-to-moderate-income census tracts (including one homeless or formerly homeless representative);
      (8)   Two members employed or providing services in qualified low-to-moderate-income census tracts
City-wide civic organizations or service clubs, the City Planning Board, business and supportive services organizations, and educational institutions may make nominations to the City Commission of members of their organizations for appointment as a member of the Community Grant Advisory Board.
   (e)   Persons eligible for service on the Community Grant Advisory Board shall meet the following qualifications:
      (1)   Persons serving on another City board or Commission shall not be eligible to serve on the Community Grant Advisory Board; with the exception that, one member may serve on both the City Planning Board and on the Community Grant Advisory Board.
      (2)   All members of the Community Grant Advisory Board shall be electors of the City.
      (3)   A person who is a member of a City employee’s family, as defined in Section 111.04, or an elected public officials shall not be eligible to serve on the Community Grant Advisory Board, except the member appointed from the City Commission who shall be a non-voting member.
         (Ord. 12-110. Passed 4-10-12.)
      (4)   Except as otherwise provided herein, if any member of the Community Grant Advisory Board shall fail to meet any of the qualifications stated in subsections (e)(1) through (e)(4) hereof, his office shall immediately become vacant.
      (5)   The City Commission by ordinance and upon finding that the particular expertise of a potential member is needed on the Community Grant Advisory Board, may waive any or all of the requirements of subsections (e)(1) and (e)(2) hereof for such member.
      (6)   Members of the Community Grant Advisory Board appointed as representatives of census tracts or block groups, must be a current resident of such census tract or block group at the time of their appointment and must have resided in the census tract or block group for at least twelve months prior to their date of appointment.
   (f)   If any member of the Community Grant Advisory Board is absent from three (3) of any six (6) consecutive regularly scheduled board meetings, or if such member is unwilling or unable to attend a regularly scheduled prearranged discussion of the public business of this board which fails to qualify as a "meeting" for lack of quorum, his office shall immediately become vacant. Such member shall have the opportunity to explain his absence to the City Commission and may be reinstated by a majority vote of the City Commission to complete the balance of his term.