Upon appeal from a decision by the Director of Community Development or his authorized representative, the Board shall have the power to decide any question involving the interpretation of the Springfield Zoning Code text or map, as follows:
   (a)   In case there is question as to the intended meaning of any provision of the Springfield Zoning Code text, the Board may interpret its meaning as it applies to a particular property. Before reaching a decision in response to any request, the Board shall obtain the opinion of the City Director of Law thereon.
   (b)   Where the street or lot layout actually on the ground, or as recorded differs from the street and lot lines as shown on the Zoning Map, the Board, after notice of public hearing to the owners of the property, shall interpret the Map in such a way as to carry out the intent and purpose of this Springfield Zoning Code for the particular section or district in question. In case of any question as to the location of any boundary line between districts, an application for interpretation of the Zoning Map may be made to the Board and a determination shall be made by such Board by following the procedure established in Section 1172.04.
   (c)   Where a specific use is proposed that is not listed or provided for in this Springfield Zoning Code, The Board of Zoning Appeals may make a determination that the proposed use is substantially similar to a specific use that is listed or provided for in the Springfield Zoning Code. If the Board finds that a use is substantially similar to a specific use listed in this Springfield Zoning Code, the substantially similar use is deemed to be a substantially similar permitted use in those districts where the specific use is a permitted use, and a substantially similar conditional use in those districts where the specific use is a conditionally permitted use. In formulating a determination that a proposed use is a substantially similar use, the Board shall include in its written findings the reasoning upon which the decision is based. The following standards shall be considered by the Board when making a determination that a use is substantially similar to a permitted or a conditional use within a specific district:
      (1)   The compatibility of the proposed use with the general use classification system as specified in this Springfield Zoning Code.
      (2)   The nature, predominant characteristics, and intensity of the proposed use in relation to those uses specified by this Springfield Zoning Code as being permitted, or in the case of a conditional use, conditionally permitted in that district.
      (3)   The size, dimensional requirements, parking requirements, traffic generation potential, and other regulatory considerations normally associated with uses as specified in this Springfield Zoning Code.
         Should a use be determined to be substantially similar to a specific permitted or conditionally permitted use provided for in this Springfield Zoning Code, it shall then be permitted in the same manner and under the same conditions and procedures as the use is permitted to which it has been found to be substantially similar. the Director of Community Development shall maintain, as a public record, a listing of all uses which have been determined to be substantially similar. For each such use the record shall include the use as listed in the Springfield Zoning Code, the use unlisted in the Springfield Zoning Code about which the determination of substantial similarity was made, and the dates of any actions thereupon by the Board of Zoning Appeals. This record shall also contain the same information for all uses which have been determined not to be substantially similar. The Director of Community Development shall consult this record in the process of issuing zoning permits.