The following requirements shall govern the construction, design and location of off-street parking spaces, stacking spaces, drives and aisles.
   (a)   Construction. Except for as provided in 1153.06 (2)(b), all parking and stacking spaces, drives and aisles shall be constructed of Asphalt, Concrete, Brick/Block (Permeable) Pavers, Grass Pavers/Porous Pavement or Pervious Concrete.
   (b)   Design. Except for single-family dwellings (including zero lot line and townhouse units) and duplexes, parking, stacking spaces, aisles, and drives shall be designed as follows:
      (1)   Parking areas shall be provided with the minimum dimensions illustrated in Table 1. An approved use can provide up to twenty (20) percent of its required parking spaces as compact car spaces.
Width Parallel to Aisle (ft):    Standard Spaces
            Compact Spaces
Length at 90 (ft):       Standard Spaces
            Compact Spaces
Minimum Width of Aisle (ft)
One-Way Traffic
Minimum Width of Aisle (ft)
Two-Way Traffic
Module Width parallel to :
Single row parking (ft)
Double row parking (ft)
Double row parking with single interlock (ft)
Double row parking with double interlock (ft)
      (2)   All parking spaces shall be connected to an aisle, which shall have the minimum width indicated in Table 1.
      (3)   When different parking space configurations abut the same aisle, the greatest aisle width shown in Table 1 shall be provided.
      (4)   Parking spaces shall be designed to permit ingress and egress of a vehicle to and from a parking space without moving any other vehicle occupying a parking space except for single-family dwellings (including zero lot line and townhouse units) and duplexes.
      (5)   No parking area shall be so designed in such a manner that exiting a parking space would require backing into a street or alley.
      (6)   Parking areas with spaces along lot lines and alleys shall be provided with car stops or curbing so no part of a parked vehicle can extend beyond a lot line or into an alley.
      (7)   Traffic islands shall be located so that parking spaces are separated from drives.
      (8)   In parking areas, all parking and stacking spaces, drives and aisles shall be pitched or curbed and drained in such a manner as to prevent the flow of excess water from such areas onto adjoining property or into streets and alleys which do not have adequate drainage facilities. The adequacy of drainage facilities as well as compliance with the stormwater regulations of Chapter 961 of Part Nine of the Codified Ordinances of Springfield, Ohio, shall be determined by the City Engineer or Engineer's designee.
      (9)   In all parking areas, parking spaces shall be visibly delineated on the surface by painted or marked stripes.
      (10)   If two (2) or more parking areas are connected by a drive, the parking areas shall be designed so that an aisle connected to more than twelve (12) parking spaces is not used as a drive in providing access to another parking area.
      (11)   A drive providing access to a parking area shall be at least ten (10) feet in width for a one-way drive and no less than eighteen (18) feet in width if it is used for two-way traffic.
      (12)   Where a parking area is provided within fifty (50) feet on the same side of the street as a lot in an RS district, the lot shall be screened from view of that portion of the parking area within fifty (50) feet.
      (13)   Where a parking area is provided on a lot within 150 feet across the street from an RS district, the lot shall be screened from view of that portion of the parking area within 150 feet.
      (14)   The materials for screening and their placement shall comply with the requirements of Subsection 1161.02(h) titled Performance Standards.
      (15)   Trees shall be located so every parking space or portion of a parking space is not more than fifty (50) feet from a tree. Trees utilized in parking areas shall be designated on the construction drawings. The varieties and sizes of trees permitted are specified in the list of Recommended Trees for Springfield, Ohio (as provided by the City Forestry Division). Trees not included on the list may be used to fulfill the requirements of this chapter upon approval of the City Forestry Division.
      (16)   Developments requiring more than four (4) trees must use at least two (2) or more species of trees.
      (17)   All trees shall be placed within planting areas of pervious material suitable for growth of a tree and separated from parking spaces, drives and aisles by a continuous curb or barrier a minimum of five (5) inches in height and/or a depressed planting area engineered to accept and infiltrate stormwater and separated from parking spaces, drives and aisles by a cut curb or other practice that will deter traffic from entering the planting area. All depressed area designs shall be detailed in the construction drawings and be approved by the City Engineer or Engineer's designee.
      (18)   Planting areas shall have a minimum area of 120 square feet for each small tree and 160 square feet for each medium and large tree.
      (19)   Trees shall be located a minimum of four (4) feet from the edge of planting area or right-of-way line.
      (20)   When a parking area is provided within twenty (20) feet of any street, a landscape border not less than four (4) feet in width is required between the parking area and the street. The landscape border may be broken for necessary walkways, driveways, and sight distance areas. Such landscaping shall contain a combination of trees (40 feet on center) and shrubs (4 feet on center) making at least a three (3) feet high visual barrier during the summer months, at plant maturity. A wall or fence can be placed in the landscape border strip (see Section 1156.01), as can a berm. Hedges and other landscape-screening materials (except trees) cannot exceed four (4) feet in height. Parking lots located in the Unified Plan Overlay District (Chapter 1141) and Eastern Edge Corridor Overlay District (Chapter 1142) shall comply with the provisions established in each respective Chapters of the code.
      (21)   Compact car stall dimensions shall be provided per Table 1. All compact car spaces shall be marked as designated on the approved construction plans.
      (22)   When the number of parking spaces provided exceeds the minimum required in Section 1153.02 of this ordinance by fifteen (15) percent or more, the developer shall permanently retain onsite the first quarter (1/4) inch of every storm event.
   (c)   Design for single-family dwellings (including zero lot line and townhouse units) and duplexes:
      (1)   Drives and parking spaces can be provided as a two-track "Hollywood" design with a width of eighteen (18) inches per wheel track. Tire base of vehicles parked or stored on Hollywood drive must be accommodated by the two-track design.
   (d)   Location. Parking spaces, stacking spaces, aisles and drives shall be located as follows:
      (1)   General.
         A.   Off-Street parking and stacking spaces, aisles, and drives shall be located on the same lot as the use served except as provided in Section 1153.03.
         B.   Drives and aisles in all R districts and in all other districts abutting an R district, shall not be located closer than three (3) feet to a lot line except for single-family dwellings (including zero lot line and townhouse units) and duplexes.
         C.   A parking area shall not be located closer than five (5) feet to a lot with a single-family residence or duplex in other R districts.
      (2)   Front Yard.
         A.   Except as provided in paragraph B and C below, no parking or storage space in an R district and in the C and M districts within fifty (50) feet of an R district along the same frontage shall be permitted within a front yard.
         B.   For detached single-family dwellings in the R districts, two (2) of the required parking spaces may be provided within a front yard on a regularly constructed drive, provided not less than fifty (50) percent of the front yard shall remain in open space free of impervious surface.
         C.   For zero lot line dwellings, duplexes, and family care facilities, only two (2) of the required parking spaces may be provided within the front yard on a regularly constructed drive, provided not less than fifty (50) percent of the front yard shall remain in open space free of impervious surface.
      (3)   Rear Yard.
         A.   Parking and stacking spaces, drives and aisles may be located within a rear yard.
            (Ord. 15-42. Passed 2-17-15.)