In all districts, except the Unified Plan Overlay District or Eastern Edge Corridor Plan Overlay District, there shall be provided prior to the occupation of a building or commencement of a use the minimum number of off-street parking and stacking spaces as indicated in the following tables. For properties located in the Unified Plan Overlay District and Eastern Edge Corridor Plan Overlay District, please refer to Chapter 1141 and Chapter 1142, respectively.
   (a)   Residential Uses.
Principal Use
Number of Spaces
Family day-care home - type B
4 parking spaces
Mobile and modular home
2 parking spaces per home
Multi-family dwelling, except high-rise and elderly housing
1.5 spaces per dwelling unit for up to 800 sq. ft.; 2 parking spaces per dwelling unit for over 800 sq. ft.
Multi-family dwelling - high-rise
1 parking space per dwelling unit
Multi-family dwelling - elderly housing
1 parking space per 4 dwelling units
Rooming house
1 parking space per 200 apartment sq ft of floor area
Fraternity and sorority
1 parking space per 2 residents
Single family dwelling and duplex
2 parking spaces per dwelling unit
Homeless shelter
¼ parking space per occupant load
   (b)   Commercial Uses.
Principal Use
Number of Spaces
Automobile gasoline and service station
1 parking space per service station island of pumps and service stall plus 1 stacking space per 4 pumps and service stall. Parking spaces shall be provided in lieu of stacking spaces in instances where egress from a facility would require a motor vehicle waiting for entry to be moved.
Automobile repair garage
1.5 parking spaces per 500 sq ft of floor area
Beauty Parlor and/or Barber Shop
2 parking spaces per barber or beauty parlor chair
Car Wash
Stacking spaces equal in number to 5 times the maximum capacity of the car wash per wash rack (bay or tunnel) or 3 times the maximum capacity for a coin operated car wash per wash rack; in addition, 1 parking space per 2 wash racks.
Financial Institution
1 parking space per 300 sq ft of floor area. For drive-in establishments, an additional 6 stacking spaces per external teller or customer service window designed for drive-in service shall be provided but need not exceed 18 total stacking spaces
Funeral home
1 parking space per 4 seats
Furniture, major appliance, and floor covering store
1 parking space per 500 sq ft of floor area
Grocery Store/Supermarket
1 parking space per 300 sq ft of floor area
Hotel and motel
1.15 parking spaces for guest room
Laundry/dry cleaning establishment (self-service)
1 parking space per 2 laundry and dry cleaning machines
Laundry/dry cleaning establishment (full-service)
1 parking space per 500 sq ft of floor area. For drive-in establishment, an additional 2 stacking spaces per external teller or customer service window designed for drive-in service shall be provided.
Machinery sales
1 parking space per 800 sq ft of floor area
Motor vehicle sales and rental
1 parking space per 800 sq ft of floor area
1 parking spaces per 350 sq ft of floor area
Office - Medical
1.5 parking space per office, examining and treatment room, provided there shall not be less than 5 spaces
Personal service establishment - other than listed
1 parking space per 300 sq ft of floor area
Photographic studio
2 parking spaces per office, studio, and reception area, provided there shall not be less than 5 spaces
Rental agency - equipment and supplies
1 parking space per 500 sq ft of interior and exterior storage area
Restaurant and establishment dispensing food or beverage for consumption on the premises
1 parking space per 4 seats
Restaurants - drive-in and carry-out
1 parking space per 4 seats, but not less than 5 spaces, plus 6 stacking spaces per external teller or customer service window designed for drive-in service
Retail store - 0 - 60,000 square feet
3 parking spaces per 1000 sq ft of floor area
Retail store - more than 60,000 square feet
2 parking spaces per 1000 sq ft of floor area
Studio and station (radio/television)
1 parking space per 400 sq ft of floor area
   (c)   Manufacturing Uses.
Principal Use
Number of Spaces
Contractor and construction yard
The sum total of parking spaces shall be determined on the basis of the parking spaces required for uses individually such as office area and warehouse space
Junk Yard
The sum total of parking spaces shall be determined on the basis of the parking spaces required for uses individually such as office area and garage space
Laboratory - research, development and testing
1 parking space per 600 sq ft of floor area
Manufacturing or establishments engaged in production, processing packing and crating, cleaning, servicing or repair of materials, goods, or products.
1 parking space per 600 sq ft of floor area
Motor and railroad freight terminal - cartage, express and parcel delivery
1 parking space per 800 sq ft of floor area
Printing and publishing establishment
1 parking space per 300 sq ft of floor area
Warehouse - less than 25,000 square feet
1 parking space per 1,000 sq ft to a maximum of 5
Warehouse - more than 25,000 square feet
5 parking spaces plus 1 additional parking space per 5,000 sq ft above 25,000 sq ft
   (d)   Institutional Uses.
Principal Use
Number of Spaces
Home - children's, aged, convalescent, rest and nursing home, and group care facility
For a group care facility and children's home, 1.5 parking spaces per 2 occupants. For other uses, 1 parking space per 3 beds
Hospital - sanitarium and asylum
1 ¾ parking spaces per hospital bed
School - generalized instruction, elementary and junior high, and specialized public or private instruction
2 parking spaces per public or private classroom
School - generalized instruction, senior high
10 parking spaces per public and private classroom
Daycare Center, adult or child
1 parking space per 6 clients (children or adults)
   (e)   Places of assembly, worship, recreation, entertainment and/or amusement.
Principal Use
Number of Spaces
Bowling Center
4 parking spaces per lane
Club and lodge
Parking spaces equal in number to 1/3 of the occupant load of the largest room in the building
Establishments or enterprises of a recreational or an entertainment nature - spectator type (auditorium, sports arena, theater, stadium and meeting hall)
Parking spaces equal in number to ¼ the occupant load in the seating area
Establishments or enterprises of a recreational or an entertainment nature - participating type (skating rink, dance hall, tennis court, swimming pool, archery range, gymnasium, pool hall)
Parking spaces equal in number to 2/3 the occupant load of the area used for the participatory sport or activity. For outdoor activities, the number of parking spaces shall be based upon the maximum number of persons the facility can or is expected to accommodate
Golf course
3 parking spaces per hole
Golf driving range
1 parking space for each 20 ft of range width
Library, museum and art gallery
1 parking space per 300 sq ft of floor area
Religious institution and community center
Parking spaces equal in number to 1/6 the occupant load of the main auditorium or the largest room in the building, which ever is greater
   (f)   Other Uses. For uses not listed, parking spaces shall be provided on the same basis as required for the most similar listed use as determined by the Community Development Director or his/her designee.
   (g)   Parking Reduction. A lawful use can receive a reduction of five (5) percent of required parking spaces for permanently retaining onsite the first quarter (1/4) inch of every storm event. Every additional quarter inch (1/4) retained onsite per storm event will result in an additional reduction of five (5) percent of the required parking spaces up to a maximum of twenty (20) percent of the total number of required parking spaces. Practices used to retain stormwater onsite may also be used to satisfy the stormwater management requirements in Codified Ordinance 961. Examples of stormwater retention practices include, but are not limited to infiltration, evaporation, transpiration, canopy interception, rainwater harvesting, extended infiltration, and other practices that retain stormwater.
      (Ord. 15-42. Passed 2-17-15.)