An OPD-H plan for an area containing less than two (2) acres shall in addition to or in lieu of the requirements of Section 1129.04 above, meet the following requirements:
(a) The density and design of the OPD-H shall be compatible in use, size and type of structure, relative amount of open space, traffic circulation and general layout with adjoining land uses, and shall be integrated into the neighborhood.
(b) Multi-family structures located adjacent to existing single-family dwellings shall be sited, landscaped and screened by natural features and plant materials to harmoniously integrate the planned development with the surrounding neighborhood.
(c) The development shall not overburden existing streets and utilities.
(d) The development shall not adversely affect views, light and air, property values and privacy of neighboring properties any more than would a conventional development.
(e) Commercial uses shall be prohibited.