All planned developments shall meet the following criteria:
(a) Land uses. Any residential use and combinations of land uses are permitted. Combinations of land uses may include single- family, multi-family, group care facilities and commercial uses. However, commercial uses shall not be permitted in planned developments on land less than two (2) acres in area. Golf courses are allowable commercial uses on residentially zoned property as part of an OPD-H.
(Ord. 02-414. Passed 10-29-02.)
(b) Variations. Variations in the requirements of the underlying district may be permitted. However, setbacks required by the Ohio Basic Building Code, legislated by the State of Ohio, or the Ohio Residential Code For One-, Two-, and Three-Family Dwellings, as specified in Chapter 1303 of Part 13 Building Code of the Codified Ordinances of Springfield, Ohio, whichever is applicable, shall be provided.
(c) Dwelling unit density. The dwelling unit density, based upon the land area minus public and/or private street right-of-way area, if any, may be computed on the basis of that permitted for the least restrictive use allowed in the underlying district.
(d) Streets. Planned developments shall make provision for the extension of streets, if any.
(e) Storm water management. The planned development shall comply with the requirements for storm water management, including the provision of detention or retention basins. The developer shall submit a legally binding instrument setting forth the procedures to be followed in maintaining the areas and the means for financing maintenance costs. Generally, such costs shall be shared by all owners of property located within the planned development, with unpaid costs becoming a lien against individual properties.
(f) Open space. Except in a conventional subdivision, planned developments shall be provided with open space for recreational purposes and to enhance the general character of the area. In the event the open space land is to be retained under private ownership, the developer shall submit a legally binding instrument setting forth the procedures to be followed in maintaining the areas and the means for financing maintenance costs as with storm water detention or retention basins in Subsection (e) above.
(g) Dedication of land for public use. All proposed dedications of land for public use, including those to be dedicated for recreational use, shall be approved in writing by appropriate departments of the City before the approval of the plan by the City Commission. All land dedications for public use shall conform to the requirements of city ordinances.
(h) Ownership. At the time of approval of a preliminary OPD-H plan, the developer must submit evidence of ownership of the property to be developed or show evidence of a legally binding executed option agreement for purchasing all the property.
(i) Schedule of completion. A developer or sponsor of a planned development shall submit a signed statement generally describing the proposed development and setting forth an intended time schedule for the completion of various phases.
(j) Other requirements. Other conditions may be imposed as deemed necessary to fulfill the purpose and intent of this chapter. Such conditions may include but are not limited to planting screens, fencing, construction commencement and completion dates, lighting, operational controls, improved traffic circulation, highway access restrictions, yards, and parking requirements.