The following items are required to be shown on a record plat of subdivision.
   (A)   Items pertaining to the title:
      (1)   Name of the subdivision.
      (2)   Location by sections, township, range, county, and state.
      (3)   Names and addresses of owner, developer, engineer, and surveyor.
      (4)   Scale, not smaller than one inch equals 50 feet.
      (5)   Date.
      (6)   North point and basis of bearings.
   (B)   Graphic items pertaining to the plat.
      (1)   Boundary of the plat, with accurate distances and bearings, and its acreage.
      (2)   Exact location and width of all streets, alleys, and crosswalkways, within and adjoining the plat.
      (3)   Bearings and distances to the nearest established street lines, political subdivision boundaries, section or patent corners, or other official monuments.
      (4)   Names of streets and alleys within and adjoining the plat.
      (5)   Lengths of all arcs, radii, chords, internal angles, and chord bearings.
      (6)   All easements for right-of-way provided for public services or utilities, and any limitations of the easements. The City Planning Commission may require that a riparian buffer easement for existing drainage channels be provided, in accordance with § 150.13(L)(1).
      (7)   All lot numbers and lines, with accurate dimensions in feet and hundredths, and with bearings or angles related to street and alley or crosswalkway lines.
      (8)   Accurate description of the location, material, and size of all monuments. These shall include at least 4 permanent markers in each plot containing 10 lots or less, and not less than 6 permanent markers in each plot containing over 10 lots.
      (9)   Accurate outlines of any areas to be dedicated for the public use, with the purposes indicated thereon, and of any area to be reserved by deed covenant for common use of all property owners in the subdivision.
      (10)   Building setback lines, shown graphically along all streets, with dimensions.
   (D)   Other items pertaining to the plat.
      (1)   Notation regarding protective covenants, if any, are to be incorporated in deeds, unless shown on the plat.
      (2)   If the land being subdivided is a part of a larger recorded parcel or a consolidation of 2 or more individual parcels or parts of parcels, the plat shall also include a vicinity drawing which shall show the proposed split or consolidation. This drawing shall be at a scale no smaller than one inch equals 500 feet, and shall show accurately the boundaries, including all bearings and distances of each course, of the original parcel or parcels and the proposed subdivision.
      (3)   Certification by a registered, professional surveyor to the effect that the plat represents a survey made and closed by him, and that all the monuments shown thereon actually exist, and that their location, size, and material are correctly shown.
      (4)   A signed, notarized certification by the owner of his adoption of the plat, and dedication of streets, easements, and any other public areas.
      (5)   Notation giving deed references of last transfer of title to the owner making the dedication.
      (6)   Description of restrictions on sewer or drainage easements, if the easements are involved.
      (7)   Space for the statement of approval by the planning commission with lines for signature and date.
      (8)   Space for the statement of acceptance of land dedicated by the owner for streets or other public areas with lines for signature and date.
      (9)   Where physical improvements are not complete a note to the effect that streets and crosswalkways dedicated by this plat are not accepted for public use, and will not be so accepted until all physical improvements are completed according to the authorized subdivision improvement plan or revisions thereto, on file in the office of the city engineer, and acceptance is entered in the road records of the office.
      (10)   A statement of receipt and transfer of the record plat by the county auditor with lines for signature and date.
      (11)   A statement of receipt and recording by the county recorder with blanks provided for the record book and page numbers, and lines for signature and date.
(Ord. 26-1978, passed 6-21-78; Am. Ord. 40-2010, passed 12-15-10)