§ 140.01 PURPOSE.
   The streets, parks and other public areas within the City of Springdale (the "city") should be readily accessible and available to residents and the public at large. The use of these within the city for camping purposes, storage of personal property, or sleeping interferes with the rights of others to use the areas for which they were intended. Such activity can constitute a public health and safety hazard which adversely impacts neighborhoods and commercial areas. The purpose of this chapter is to maintain the city's streets, parks, and other public areas within the city in a clean, sanitary and accessible condition and to adequately protect the health, safety, and public welfare of the community while recognizing that, subject to reasonable conditions, camping and camp facilities associated with special events can be beneficial to the cultural and educational climate in the city. Nothing in this chapter is intended to interfere with otherwise lawful and ordinary uses of public property.
(Ord. 20-2024, passed 6-5-24)