(A)   Sexually oriented businesses shall be established only in identified commercial and industrial zones and shall be subject to the restrictions of this chapter. Specifically, sexually oriented businesses shall be allowed in General Business Districts, Motorist Service Districts, Support Service Districts and General Industrial Districts provided all other requirements of this chapter are satisfied. No person shall establish a sexually oriented business within 800 feet of another such business or within 800 feet of any establishment holding a liquor license or within 800 feet of any protected uses defined as any religious institution, school, park or other public use, or within 800 feet of any property zoned or used for residential purposes. Sexually oriented businesses, as defined in § 120.02, are classified as follows:
      (1)   Adult bookstore, adult novelty store or adult video store;
      (2)   Adult cabaret;
      (3)   Adult motel;
      (4)   Adult motion picture theater;
      (5)   Adult theater;
      (6)   Massage parlor;
      (7)   Sexual encounter establishment;
      (8)   Escort agency; or
      (9)   Nude model studio.
   (B)   Nothing in this section prohibits the location of sexually oriented businesses within retail shopping centers in specified commercial zones where such activities will have their only frontage upon enclosed malls or malls isolated from direct view from public streets, religious institutions, schools, parks, or other public facilities and residential areas without regard to the distance requirements of division (A) above, except where a protected use, such as a day care facility, is located within an enclosed or isolated mall or where another tenant in the mall holds a valid liquor license for the sale or service of alcohol and there is less than 800 feet between the sexually oriented business and the establishment holding a valid license to serve or sell alcohol.
(Ord. 50-1996, passed 7-17-96; Am. Ord. 25-2000, passed 4-5-00)