(A)   It shall be the duty of the licensee to have each licensed taxicab presented to the chief of police or to a person designated by him, once every 4 months at the time prescribed by the official for the purpose of having the taxicab thoroughly inspected as to safety and sanitary conditions.
   (B)   If the vehicle is found to be in an unsafe, or unsanitary condition, the licensee shall forthwith correct the defect and, upon failure to do so, shall be subject to having his license suspended or revoked. The requirements as to periodic inspection shall not prevent the chief of police, or any person designated by him, from ordering any licensed taxicab to be presented for special examination upon demand as deemed advisable by the official.
   (C)   Failure to present a licensed taxicab for periodic inspection as hereinbefore required shall subject the licensee to a suspension or revocation of his license.
('68 Code, § 52.34) Penalty, see § 111.99