The powers and duties of the Chief of the Fire Prevention Bureau shall include:
   (A)   The supervising, coordinating, and conducting of periodic inspections of buildings, structures, and premises located in the city to determine if conditions exist which would make the structure, building, or premises especially liable to fire or endangering life, and to determine if there are violations of the city or state fire codes.
   (B)   To prepare and issue orders pursuant to law for the correction of hazardous conditions found.
   (C)   To cite violations of the city fire code, and assist in the prosecution of such cases.
   (D)   To issue or deny permits pursuant to requirements of the city fire code.
   (E)   To train, as required, other members of the Fire Department in inspection procedures and making reports.
   (F)   To participate in programs, including assigned public speaking, to Increase community awareness for fire safety.
   (G)   To keep abreast of new codes, regulations, and techniques pertaining to fire safety.
   (H)   To make reports quarterly to the Fire Chief, City Administrator, and Mayor containing all proceedings under the Fire Code, along with other information and statistics as the Chief of the Fire Prevention Bureau shall decide to include therein, as well as information requested by the Chief of the Fire Department, the City Administrator, or the Mayor.
   (I)   Such other duties relating to fire prevention and safety as the Chief of the Fire Department shall prescribe. (Ord. 8-1978, passed 1-18-78)