The City Clerk shall make a written return to the County Auditor of the action taken under the preceding sections, with a statement of the charges for labor, material and equipment incurred in the cutting and destroying of the noxious weeds, plus a $50 administrative charge over and above the 15% charged under § 155.064 to offset the expense for city's serving notices, the cost of mailing notices, the cost of preparing the notices, the cost of legal services in determining ownership of the properties upon which offenses against the sections occurred, and any other normal costs of the city necessary to accomplish the purpose of the section, along with a proper description of the premises. The amounts shall be entered upon the tax duplicate as a weed cutting or tree trimming assessment and be a lien upon the land from and after the date of entry and be collected as other taxes and returned to the city with the general fund settlements.
(Ord. 56-1987, passed 10-21-87; Am. Ord. 40-2022, passed 12-21-22)