EDITOR’S NOTE: At the time of preparation of these Codified Ordinances, the Municipality did not have a Fire Department or Division. Fire protection and ambulance services are provided for the Municipality by Clearcreek and Franklin Townships. Copies of all relevant legislation may be obtained, at cost, from the Clerk of Council.
238.01 Division of Police; composition.
238.02 Residency requirement.
238.03 Supervision, jurisdiction and personnel.
238.04 Dispatchers.
238.05 Part-Time Police Officer Unit.
238.06 Scheduling.
General provisions - see CHTR. Sec. 7.07
Disposition of property held by police - see GEN. OFF. 606.24
The Chief of Police, under the general supervision of the Director of Safety, shall be the head of the Division of Police. All matters involving law enforcement, the preservation of the peace and the protection of persons and property (except fire protection) shall be under the jurisdiction of the Division. Personnel assigned to the Division include all full-time and part-time police officers.