(a)   As used in Chapter 1266 and elsewhere in the Code as applied:
      (1)   "Open space, common" means a parcel or parcels of land or an area of water or a combination of land and water within a site, designed and intended for the use or enjoyment of all the occupants. Common open space may contain such structures and improvements as are necessary for the benefit and enjoyment of all the occupants of the PUD district. Common open space may include, but is not limited to, educational and recreational facilities, natural areas, landscaped areas, flood protection, bikeways, street rights-of-way in excess of 60 feet in width, or other improvements or amenities beneficial to the health, safety and welfare of the public, PUD occupants or PUD visitors, as determined by the Planning Commission and expressly approved as common open space by the Planning Commission.
      (2)   "Open space, green" means, for the purposes of this Chapter, land on individual lots where structures, roadways and other paved areas, and other impervious surfaces are prohibited.
      (3)   "Plans," as they relate to a PUD shall be as follows:
         A.   "Plan, Concept" or "Conceptual Plan means a plan, drawn to a representative scale and using real property information obtained from a professionally-prepared survey or other source, indicating the distribution of land uses, streets, and roadways within a proposed PUD for the purposes of preliminary discussion prior to the formal consideration of a PUD as outlined in Section 1266.08 of the Zoning Code.
         B.   "General plan" means any PUD application that fulfills the requirements of Step 1 in the PUD approval process at outlined in Section 1266.09 of the Zoning Code.
         C.   "Final development plan" means any PUD application that fulfills the requirements of Step 2 in the PUD approval process at outlined in Section 1266.12 of the Zoning Code.
         D.   "Record plan" means a PUD application that fulfills the requirements of Step 3 in the PUD approval process at outlined in Section 1266.16 of the Zoning Code.
            (Ord. 0-15-4. Passed 2-19-15.)