(a) Application for PUD zoning shall be made by the property owner or his authorized agent in the same manner as a petition for any conventional zoning district designation as provided in Chapter 1287. The rezoning petition shall indicate the category of PUD (PUD-B, PUD-R, etc.) requested. PUD zoning cannot be initiated by the City without the written permission of the property owner and/or their agent.
(b) The General Plan (which shall be set forth in one or more maps or instruments) shall be signed by all owners of property and/or their agent within the project, shall be drawn to scale and shall be signed by an architect, landscape architect, civil engineer, or planner-in-charge authorized to practice in the State of Ohio. Approval of an amendment to the Zoning Map and General Plan are necessary preconditions to consideration and approval of the Final Development Plan. Rezoning to PUD may not proceed without the concurrent approval and adoption of a General Plan by Planning Commission and City Council.
(c) All General Plans shall be presented to the Planning Commission by means of an application in the form prescribed by the Planning Commission or the Director of Planning or their designate. The City shall charge for processing of the application as set forth in
the Fee Schedule in Section 1464.05
of Chapter 1464 of the Building and Housing Code of the Codified Ordinances shall be payable upon application. In addition, actual costs incurred for by public and private consultants shall be invoiced. All work done prior to formal application shall be charged to the project upon submission of the application. The developer will be billed monthly, or less frequently if deemed appropriate by the City. Failure to pay such bills within 30days of transmittal of the bill shall be deemed just cause for delaying further approvals relative to the PUD application and/or construction.
(d) The General Plan shall include:
(1) A declaration by the developer in which there is furnished:
A. Evidence that the applicant has legal control of the property including a statement of all the ownership and beneficial interests in the property and the proposed development.
B. A general statement regarding the nature, acreage and location of open space and common areas, and descriptive data as to the methods to be employed for guaranteeing its continuity and maintenance; and
C. For PUD-R, the total density for the project in number of housing units per acre;
(2) Plans drawn at a scale of 1inch equals 100 feet, or less, incorporating the following elements:
A. A general location map-at appropriate scale-of the property and adjacent environs within 1/4 mile indicating municipal, township, or jurisdictional boundaries; public facilities such as schools, parks, and other public buildings and uses; arterial streets and highways; and major utility easements.
B. An area map showing adjacent property ownership information, existing zoning at the time of application, existing land uses, and existing streets and highways within 300 feet of the parcel;
C. A professionally-prepared survey of the property, including boundaries of the property, including a legal description of the metes and bounds of the parcel and the acreage therein, and indicating existing features including public and private streets, alleys, easements, utility lines, general topography, vegetation, and physical features.
D. Existing contours at five foot intervals or less, accompanied by an outline of the grading plans;
E. A plan indicating approximate areas and arrangement of proposed uses, existing zoning districts, proposed lots and setbacks, and the amount of buildable area within each area.
1. In the case of Office (PUD-O), Business (PUD-B), Manufacturing (PUD-M), or Mixed-Use (PUD-MU) PUDs, a statement identifying the principal types of office, business, manufacturing, and/or mixed-uses that are to be included in the proposed development, uses to be excluded, and also including the approximate location and intensity of development.
2. In the case of Residential (PUD-R) PUDs, a statement identifying the density of the various residential uses within the development, and housing type(s).
F. The proposed vehicular and non-motorized transportation system for the project, including designation of arterial and collector thoroughfares, where such thoroughfares are indicated in the Mobility Master Plan, the Bicycle & Pedestrian Plan, or their successor plans, of the City of Springboro or where they are otherwise necessary for efficient vehicular and non-motorized circulation. Such plan shall identify which streets shall be public streets and which shall be private streets or drives within public access easements, points of ingress and egress, and shall be supported by appropriate traffic studies;
G. Any additional information requested by the Planning Commission or City Council.
(3) Common space information, including:
A. The percentage of acreage of common space in each part of the site;
B. The arrangement and location of proposed common areas, including proposed parks, playgrounds, school sites, and recreational facilities.
C. Topographical factors affecting common space including flood hazard areas, watercourse, wooded areas and areas with steep slopes; and
D. A statement describing the provision that is to be made for the care and maintenance of open space and recreation facilities within the PUD (if applicable).
(Ord. 0-15-4. Passed 2-19-15; Ord. O-24-6. Passed 3-7-24.)