All applications subject to the provisions of this chapter shall be accompanied by the following information, as applicable, in addition to information required for all Building Permit applications.
   (a)   Ground-Mounted WECS. In addition to information required by other provisions of these Codified Ordinances, the following information shall be submitted with an application for ground-mounted and accessory structures to demonstrate compliance with the provisions of this chapter.
      (1)   Site Plan. A site plan of the subject property showing, property lines and physical dimensions of the property, easements, adjoining streets, the proposed WECS and any proposed and existing buildings, fencing, power lines, structures, landscaping, driveways, parking, and curb cuts on the subject property.
      (2)   Elevation. An elevation drawing showing the proposed WECS and all structures shown on the required site plan, indicating the height, color and materials of the tower and all proposed fencing and other structures.
      (3)   Lighting Plan. Where lighting of the WECS is required, a lighting plan for the proposed WECS, indicating the location, color, and intensity of the lighting, both as it will appear in daylight and at night, and indicating any mechanisms to prevent glare on adjacent properties and streets and to shield the lighting from residences, to the maximum extent feasible.
      (4)   Vicinity Map. For any WECS that will exceed the height limit for buildings on the subject property, a vicinity map showing the subject property and the proposed WECS and fencing in the context of all property located within a radius of 250 feet of the WECS, showing within this area, all streets and existing buildings, power lines, and significant structures and indicating the residential use of any buildings and any property zoned in Residential Districts, such map being marked with topographic contours at two-foot intervals.
      (5)   Color Photographs. For any WECS that will exceed the height limit for buildings on the subject property, color photographs showing the current view of the WECS site from any adjoining public street or any other street within 250 feet of the proposed WECS and from the closest groupings of residential buildings located within an area from the proposed WECS equal to a radius of 250 feet of the proposed structure, plus a second set of color photographs showing the same views with the proposed WECS superimposed to scale onto the photographs.
      (6)   Specifications. WECS specifications, including manufacturer and model, noise rating, rotor diameter, tower height and tower type (freestanding, etc.).
      (7)   Foundation. Tower foundation blueprints or drawings.
      (8)   Blueprint. Tower blueprint or drawing.
      (9)   Fee. Each person submitting an application for a permit under the provisions of this section shall pay a fee, as set forth in Fee Schedule in Section 1464.05 of Chapter 1464 of the Building and Housing Code of the Codified Ordinances.
   (b)   Rooftop-mounted WECS. In addition to information required by other provisions of these Codified Ordinances, the following information shall be submitted with an application for a WECS proposed to be attached to the roof of a building or to another structure and subject to approval by the City under the provisions of this chapter.
      (1)   Elevation. An elevation drawing of the building or structure to which the proposed WECS will be attached, showing the placement of the WECS and indicating the color of the structure and any enclosures in relation to the surface to which it will be attached and showing the projection of the WECS from the structure, marked with all necessary dimensions.
      (2)   Color Photographs. Color photographs of the building or structure to which the proposed WECS will be attached, with the proposed WECS superimposed onto such photographs, showing various perspectives from which the WECS will be viewed.
      (3)   Specifications. WECS specifications, including manufacturer and model, noise rating, rotor diameter, mounting, height and type.
      (4)   Blueprints. Blueprints or drawings.
      (5)   Fee. Each person submitting an application for a permit under the provisions of this section shall pay a fee, as set forth in the Fee Schedule in Section 1464.05 of Chapter 1464 of the Building and Housing Code of the Codified Ordinances.
(Ord. 0-15-4. Passed 2-19-15; Ord. O-24-6. Passed 3-7-24.)