(a) Pre-Application Conference for Major Subdivisions. Before preparing the concept plan for a major subdivision, the applicant shall meet with the Director of Planning to discuss the procedure for approval of a subdivision plan and the requirements as to general layout of blocks, streets, easements, street design, drainage, sewerage, storm drainage, fire protection and similar matters, as well as the availability of existing services.
(b) Application Procedure and Requirements for Concept Plan. After the pre-application conference; the owner of the land, or his authorized agent, shall file an application and fee for approval of a concept plan with the Director of Planning. The application shall:
(1) Be made on forms available at the office of the Director of Planning.
(2) Include all contiguous holdings of the owner including land in "common ownership" with an indication of the portion which is proposed to be subdivided, accompanied by an affidavit of ownership or a contract with the owner.
(3) Be accompanied by the number of copies of the concept plan as established by the Director of Planning and complying in all respects with these regulations;
(4) Be accompanied by a fee as defined in the City of Springboro Schedule of Permit Fees outlined in Section 1464.04 of the codified ordinances of the City of Springboro;
(5) The application shall include an address and telephone number of an agent who shall be authorized to participate in discussions and correspondence with the City.
(6) If the concept plan meets the general parameters of these Regulations and or other city or state regulations, an application for a preliminary subdivision plan may be submitted after receiving notification of the concept plan approval from the Director of Planning.
(Ord. 0-15-4. Passed 2-19-15.)