A.    Street Improvements: All construction of new street improvements, including, but not limited to, street base preparation, paving, installation of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, storm water facilities, water line construction, replacement of such facilities, or construction, replacement, or capital maintenance of any public utility or other facilities desiring to make use of the public right of way, including facilities providing electrical, telephone, natural gas, irrigation water, and cable television service shall require a right of way construction permit issued by the city.
   B.    Public Right Of Way: Any construction work in the public right of way which will affect the condition of existing public facilities or will result in the construction of facilities which will be subject to public maintenance shall be subject to the provisions of this chapter.
   C.    New Subdivisions: A public facility construction permit shall be required prior to the initiation of construction work on a new subdivision. Said permits may be issued by the city engineer or his authorized representatives after review and approval of plans and specifications, and payment of required fees. No fee shall be charged for construction undertaken pursuant to direction by the city.
   D.    Stockpiling Of Materials: No temporary stockpiling, storage of materials, demolition, storage of equipment, or other activities which would obstruct a public right of way shall be allowed without a permit issued pursuant to this chapter.
   E.    Improvement Specifications: The mayor and/or council is hereby authorized to develop construction and improvement specifications for installations in public rights of way within the city. Said standards shall be presented to the city council for review and shall be effective upon passage of a resolution adopting said standards. Such standards may be changed by subsequent resolution of the city council.
   F.    Mail And Newspaper Receptacles: Placement of mail and newspaper receptacles shall be required to obtain an encroachment permit prior to the installation and shall comply with the placement standards adopted by the city council by resolution. The city shall have the authority to revoke the encroachment permit and require the removal or relocation of any mail or newspaper receptacle at any time, without recourse by the permittee. Mail and newspaper receptacle encroachments shall not be subject to sections 7-1-3 and 7-1-4 of this chapter. (Ord. 512, 12-11-2007)