A.    Application: Applications for permits required by this chapter shall be made to the city on forms provided for that purpose. No work subject to the provisions of this chapter shall be initiated until an application has been completed and approved according to the provisions of this chapter.
   B.    Requirements: Permit requests shall include site plans, engineering plans, specifications, and such other information as may be necessary to allow the city to determine that standards have been complied with.
   C.    Fees: No permit application shall be deemed complete until the fees required for said application have been paid in full. The fees for permit issuance and for construction inspection oversight are authorized by this chapter. Said fees may be set, and changed from time to time, by resolution of the city council.
   D.    Advance Timing: Applications for permits required by this chapter shall be made in advance of the date upon which work is scheduled to commence. Advance timing shall be variable depending upon the scope of the work to be completed and the degree of prior review which has been conducted. Review periods may be waived by the city in the event of emergencies. The permit shall provide a time limit within which the work shall be completed. The permit shall be void if the work is not commenced and completed within the date specified on the permit unless an extension of time, for good cause, is granted by the city.
   E.    Insurance Required: Any applicant for a permit authorized by this chapter shall demonstrate that it has general liability insurance in the amount of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00) which insures said work against damage to public facilities and against damage to the public in general. No permit shall issue without proof of such insurance. The city is authorized to maintain a registration of qualified contractors for purposes of simplifying administration of this requirement. Any such proof of insurance shall require at least thirty (30) days' advance notice of cancellation or expiration to the city.
   F.    Bond: A cash or surety bond in the amount specified by the city is required prior to issue of a permit. The amount of bond will be determined and set by the city. Bond will be released upon completion of all right of way work and as built drawings are approved and accepted by the city and other agencies as specified.
   G.    Permit Binding On Applicant: Any permit required by this chapter shall be binding upon the applicant until all obligations established by the terms of this chapter and by the terms of the specific permit have been complied with in their entirety. A permit issued pursuant to this chapter shall not be transferable to any other person or entity. The city may require written proof that the person making application is a bona fide representative of the identified permit applicant. (Ord. 378, 3-11-1994)