§ 73.05 OPERATION.
   (A)   Carts may be operated on any public street within the town limits where the posted speed limit does not exceed 35 mph. This does not prohibit a cart from crossing a roadway, at an intersection, where the posted speed limit on the roadway being crossed is greater than 35 mph.
   (B)   Cart operators shall proceed with due caution and regard for the public’s safety. Operators shall be held to the same standards of operation as any other motorist. All applicable North Carolina traffic laws shall be observed and obeyed when operating a cart upon public roadways. Cart operators should be aware of any disruption of traffic flow caused by their slow operational speed and attempt to accommodate the free movement of traffic. Carts should be operated in the right portion of the travel lane when possible to allow for overtaking vehicles to pass when appropriate to do so.
(Ord. passed 1-21-2020) Penalty, see § 73.99