(A)   All sidewalks constructed or reconstructed in the village shall be of concrete and shall conform to the following minimum standards:
      (1)   Minimum width of four feet;
      (2)   When other federal, state, or county agencies are involved in a sidewalk construction project, the minimum width required by that agency shall be adhered to;
      (3)   Cross-slope of one-quarter inch per foot of width; slope shall be towards the street, where possible;
      (4)   Minimum thickness of four inches, except that portion of a sidewalk that crosses through a driveway, in which case, the minimum thickness shall be six inches;
      (5)   Maximum of five feet between contraction joints;
      (6)   Back edge of sidewalk shall be one foot from the property line, where possible;
      (7)   Grade at the back edge of the sidewalk shall be one inch higher than the centerline of the street, where possible;
      (8)   Lateral slope shall be no more than one inch per foot when connecting to existing sidewalks;
      (9)   Shall be constructed of concrete, specifically, ODOT Item 499, Class C concrete mix. Delivery/batch tickets must be presented to the village for final acceptance of sidewalk construction;
      (10)   If the adjoining sidewalk(s) are in good condition and meet the elevation requirements, the new sidewalks shall be “pinned” (with rebar) into the adjoining sidewalk(s);
      (11)   The base of all sidewalks shall be either Item 411 or Item 304 compacted aggregate (or approved equivalent);
      (12)   Sidewalks to be reinforced with at least two pieces of three-eighths inch rebar running parallel the entire length of the sidewalk, with a minimum of 16 inches of overlap between each piece of rebar. The spacing of the rebar shall be six inches from each side;
      (13)   New sidewalks shall not be constructed over existing sidewalks;
      (14)   All workmanship must be acceptable to the Village Administrator and, in general, conform to the latest edition of the ODOT construction and material specifications; and
      (15)   Where a sidewalk meets a public street, an approved ADA detectable warning truncated dome mat shall be installed (the mat shall be supplied by the village and installed by the contractor of the person having the work completed). The mat shall be placed six inches from the edge of pavement and shall cover the entire width of the sidewalk, where possible.
   (B)   All driveway approaches constructed in the village shall be of concrete or asphalt where the street adjoining said driveway has a curb. The approach shall conform to the following standards:
      (1)   Driveway approach shall drain toward the street, where possible;
      (2)   Edge of approach shall match the elevation of the existing street and shall not interfere with the street drainage;
      (3)   Minimum thickness of six inches for concrete and four inches for asphalt;
      (4)   The base of all driveways shall be either Item 411 or Item 304 compacted aggregate (or approved aggregate);
      (5)   Shall be constructed of either concrete, ODOT Item 499 Class C concrete mix (deliver/batch tickets must be presented to the village for final acceptance of driveway construction) or asphalt Item 404 surface course on six inches of compacted aggregate base. Shall conform to the latest edition of the ODOT construction and material specifications; and
      (6)   Shall be reinforced with three-eighths inch rebar (minimum) and shall be spaced no more than four feet on center (both parallel and perpendicular to the sidewalk). Minimum of 16 inches of overlap between each piece of rebar.
(Ord. 18-12, passed 5-21-2018) Penalty, see § 94.99