(A)   There is hereby established a system of garbage, refuse, and recycle collection for all residential customers within the village corporation limits. This system shall be in a form determined by Village Council.
   (B)   Every residential unit located within the village corporation limits shall receive the benefits of garbage, refuse, and recycle collection. For the purpose of this section, a RESIDENTIAL UNIT shall be defined as a place of abode of a person or persons and receiving water and/or sewer service from the village and includes single-family residences, duplexes, apartments, and mobile homes, whether or not they are individually billed for water and/or sewer services.
   (C)   Every residential unit located within the village corporation limits shall pay for the garbage, refuse, and recycle collection services as per the provisions of the current waste disposal contract.
   (D)   Billing for the garbage, refuse, and recycle collection services shall be done in advance of the actual services provided. All fees collected for the garbage, refuse, and recycle service shall be collected at the village’s collection agency. All fees shall be deposited into the appropriate account of the village and dispersed to the contractor on a monthly basis or as determined by invoice.
   (E)   All applicable fees shall be a charge upon the owner of the real estate receiving service, as well as the individual whose name appears on the water and/or sewer service account.
   (F)   There is hereby established a “Garbage and Refuse Collection Fund,” and all moneys received under this section shall be accounted for through said fund.
   (G)   All residential customers shall place their garbage, refuse, and recycle materials at the curb or edge of the street strictly, in order to maintain a uniform route for the waste disposal contractor.
   (H)   The set times for each residential customer shall be no earlier than 6:00 p.m. of the evening prior to regular collection, and all containers shall be collected and put away by the evening of the day of regular collection.
(Ord. 05-08, passed 3-21-2005) Penalty, see § 50.99