(A)   Prohibited uses. The following principal or accessory uses are hereby prohibited within Zone B of the Public Water Supply Protection Overlay District:
      (1)   All uses listed in § 155.234(A);
      (2)   Livestock confinement facilities or feedlots;
      (3)   Motor vehicle repair facilities engaged in the repair or servicing of motor vehicles, including repair, painting or engine rebuilding; and
      (4)   Septic disposal sites.
   (B)   Uses permitted by special exception. The following uses may be permitted in Zone B, only by special exception:
      (1)   Commercial, industrial or civic uses not listed as a prohibited use in division (A) above;
      (2)   On-site wastewater treatment and disposal systems of any kind;
      (3)   Single- and multi-family residential uses; and
      (4)   Storage for on-site use of inorganic and organic contaminants as described in § 155.238(B).
   (C)   Permitted uses. The following shall be permitted uses in Zone B:
      (1)   Animal grazing;
      (2)   Chemical application: application of fertilizers, pesticides or herbicides at a rate not to exceed the label instructions based on crop uptake;
      (3)   Field crops; pasture, hay, grains and vegetables;
      (4)   Local utility services;
      (5)   Low density residential; lots of 15,000 square feet in area or greater connected to a city sanitary sewer or served by an on-site wastewater treatment and disposal system and for which a permit has been issued by the county;
      (6)   Parks without sanitary facilities or with sanitary facilities connected to the city sanitary sewer;
      (7)   Permanent open space dedicated to recreation without sanitary facilities or with sanitary facilities connected to the city sanitary sewer;
      (8)   Public wells;
      (9)   Stabilized sludge and manure application, application of stabilized sludge and manure to cropland at rates no greater than crop uptake; application records shall be maintained and subject to inspection;
      (10)   Streets and highways;
      (11)   Temporary on-farm storage limited to amounts necessary and appropriate for annual application to land to be farmed by the storer; and
      (12)   Tree farms.
(Prior Code, § 9-17-6) (Ord. 518, passed 8-2-1999) Penalty, see § 155.999