The provisions of this section shall apply throughout the Public Water Supply Protection Overlay District established in § 155.231.
   (A)   No French drains, pits or similar structures that permit the drainage or discharge of substances into the ground shall be permitted. All such structures shall be connected to an approved on-site wastewater treatment and disposal system or sanitary sewer.
   (B)   The following substances are considered to pose a serious threat of contamination to the municipal water supply. Such substances shall not be used or stored in the Public Water Supply Protection Overlay District, except in strict compliance with the provisions of this subchapter, any special exception use permit issued under this subchapter and applicable state and federal laws and regulations. Such substances shall be stored only in designated locations within enclosed structures and in appropriate closed containers:
      (1)   Lead;
      (2)   Copper;
      (3)   Inorganic contaminants listed in Iowa Administrative Code § 567-4(1)3(1); and
      (4)   Organic chemical or compounds listed in Iowa Administrative Code § 567-4(1)5(1).
(Prior Code, § 9-17-9) (Ord. 518, passed 8-2-1999)