130.01 Assault
130.02 Battery
130.03 Affray
130.04 Disturbing the peace
130.05 Harassment
130.06 Unlawful assembly
130.07 Failure to disperse
130.08 Disorderly conduct
130.09 Criminal trespass
130.10 Harassment of public officers and employees
130.11 False reports
130.12 Refusing to assist officer
130.13 Impersonating officer
130.14 Falsely claiming emergency
130.15 Obstructing emergency phone calls
130.16 Exposing persons to x-ray radiation
130.17 Abandoned or unattended appliances
130.18 Loitering
130.19 Defacing public or private property
130.20 Stench bombs
130.21 Interference with public work
130.22 Removing public property
130.23 Sirens
130.24 Theft
130.25 Material storage
130.26 Firearms
130.27 Throwing objects
130.28 Drug paraphernalia
130.29 Provision of tobacco products to minors; possession or purchase of tobacco products by minors
130.30 Inhaling toxic vapors and chemicals
130.99 Penalty