§ 111.99 PENALTY.
   (A)   Any person who disobeys, violates, neglects or refuses to comply with any provision of §§ 111.01 through 111.05 or who causes allows or consents to any of the same shall be deemed to be responsible for the violation of this chapter. A violation of §§ 111.01 through 111.05 is deemed to be a nuisance per se.
      (1)   A violation of §§ 111.01 through 111.05 is a municipal civil infraction, for which the fines shall be not more than $500, in the discretion of the Court. The foregoing sanctions shall be in addition to the rights of the township to proceed at law or equity with other appropriate and proper remedies. Additionally, the violator shall pay the township’s costs which may include all expenses, direct and indirect which the township incurs in connection with the municipal civil infraction, including, but not limited to, the attorney fee incurred by the township in connection with the municipal civil infraction.
      (2)   Each day during which any violation of §§ 111.01 through 111.05 continues shall be deemed a separate offense.
      (3)   In addition, the township may seek injunctive relief against a person or persons alleged to be in violation of §§ 111.01 through 111.05 , and such other relief as may be provided by law.
      (4)   Sections 111.01 through 111.05 shall be administered and enforced by the Ordinance Enforcement Officer of the township or by such other person(s) as designated by the Township Board from time to time.
   (B)   (1)   Any person who violates any provision of §§ 111.20 through 111.33 shall be deemed responsible for a municipal civil infraction and fined in accordance with the following schedule.
Offense Number
Minimum Fine
Maximum Fee
1st offense within 3-year period
2nd offense within 3-year period
3rd offense within 3-year period
4th offense within 3-year period
*Determined on the basis of the date of commission of the offense(s)
      (2)   Additionally, the violator shall pay costs which may include all expenses, direct and indirect, to which the township has incurred in connection with the municipal civil infraction, including the actual attorney’s fees incurred by the township in prosecuting the municipal civil infraction. In addition, the township shall have the right to proceed in any court of competent jurisdiction for the purpose of obtaining an injunction, restraining order or other appropriate remedy to compel compliance with this subchapter. Each day that a violation of this subchapter continues to exist shall constitute a separate violation of this subchapter.
(Ord. 5-21-19, passed 5-21-2019; Ord. 7-21-20C, passed 10-20-2020; Ord. 10-20-20, passed 10-20-2020)