(A)   Prior to the preparation of the preliminary plat, there should take place a preplat discussion meeting between the proprietor and the Planning Commission. The purpose of this meeting is to inform the Planning Commission of a proprietor's intent to initiate a subdivision. On or before this meeting, the proprietor should submit the following to the Commission:
      (1)   Several copies of a sketch, to scale, indicating the general location and configuration of the property to be subdivided; the alignment of streets and lots; and the relationship of the proposed plat to adjacent streets and neighboring properties;
      (2)   A statement regarding the provision of sewer service and water supply;
      (3)   In a plat to be located in the AG-1 zone, the site sketch shall show any and all farms within one-half mile of the sites.
   (B)   During the preplat discussion meeting, the Planning Commission may discuss generally with the proprietor the following:
      (1)   General requirements of this chapter and the zoning ordinance;
      (2)   Planned or anticipated sites of parks and recreation areas and other public uses;
      (3)   Utility system capabilities;
      (4)   Planned or anticipated public improvements, including streets, utility extensions, and the like;
      (5)   Existence of farms on the surrounding property, which includes the possibility that future residents of the project may experience unwanted farm production practices, such as noises, smells, fertilizers, and pesticides;
      (6)   Major street plans and potential problems relative to the natural features of the area including, but not limited to, floodplains, soil conditions, topography, and groundwater tables;
      (7)   Additional information which will assist the proprietor in proceeding in a reasonable and sound manner toward final plat approval.
   (C)   Preplat discussions are intended for information purposes only and do not constitute binding commitments on the part of the township. Neither do they imply tentative approval of any subsequent preliminary plat. Furthermore, such discussions shall not carry the authority to proceed with construction or to sell or transfer property.
   (D)   In the event the proprietor does not elect to undertake preplat discussions with the Planning Commission, the proprietor is encouraged to contact the Township Supervisor, Building Inspector or other township officials prior to initiating a preliminary plat for the purposes of discussing the items listed above.
(Ord. 93-8, effective 1-20-1994)