The following non-storm water discharges are permissible, but only if they do not result in a violation of state water quality standards; and, provided that, they are undertaken in compliance with any applicable or required BMPs:
   (A)   Water supply line flushing;
   (B)   Landscape irrigation runoff;
   (C)   Diverted stream flows;
   (D)   Rising ground water;
   (E)   Uncontaminated ground water infiltration to storm drains;
   (F)   Uncontaminated pumped ground water;
   (G)   Discharges from potable water sources;
   (H)   Foundation drains;
   (I)   Air conditioning condensate;
   (J)   Irrigation water;
   (K)   Springs;
   (L)   Water from crawl space pumps;
   (M)   Footing drains and basement sump pumps;
   (N)   Lawn watering runoff;
   (O)   Waters from non-commercial car washing;
   (P)   Flows from riparian habitats and wetlands;
   (Q)   Residential swimming pool water and other dechlorinated swimming pool water; provided that, any filter backwash water that is present is treated;
   (R)   Residual street wash water;
   (S)   Discharges or flows from emergency firefighting activities; and
   (T)   Discharges specifically authorized in writing by the authorized enforcement agency as being necessary to protect public health, welfare and safety or the environment.
(Prior Code, § 72.002.3) (Ord. 05-05, passed 9-8-2005) Penalty, see § 153.99