(A)   Installation of improvements. No subdivision plats shall be granted final approval until the required improvements have been made in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
   (B)   Guarantee of improvements. Grading and base construction for streets must be installed prior to submission of the plat for final approval. Where other required improvements have not been completed, the approval of the plat shall be subject to the subdivider guaranteeing the installation of the improvements in one of the following methods:
      (1)   Personal notes of owners upon proof of satisfactory net worth;
      (2)   Savings account with any properly insured financial institution;
      (3)   Cash or certified check;
      (4)   Performance of surety bond executed by a company duly licensed to do business in the state; or
      (5)   Presentation of a feasibility study indicating the method of financing the subdivision.
   (C)   Submission requirements. Data demonstrating compliance with the improvement requirements must be prepared and submitted along with the final plat for the meeting of the Planning Board at which final approval is sought. Six copies of the final plat and all plans, profiles, specifications and other required information shall be required. Specifications for final plats are listed in § 154.21.
   (D)   Required improvements. The following improvement requirements shall be fulfilled or guaranteed before a final plat shall be approved by the Planning Board for recording:
      (1)   Public streets. Streets and all associated improvements, to include storm drains, grading, base and paving, shall be constructed by the subdivider in accordance with the specifications and standards of the State Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, and shall be approved by the District Highway Engineer.
      (2)   Permanent reference points. Prior to filing the final plat, permanent reference points shall have been placed in accordance with 21 N.C.A.C. 56, §§ 1601 et seq., which provide regulations for surveyors for the mapping of subdivisions.
      (3)   Utilities.
         (a)   Water mains and sanitary sewers shall be installed by the subdivider. If the installation is made, the subdivider shall comply with all rules and regulations prescribed by the State Department of Human Resources, the State Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources, and the Appalachian Health Regional Office; and with all regulations and construction specifications of any municipality to whose utility system the water mains and/or sanitary sewers may eventually be connected.
         (b)   Electrical utilities and communication lines shall be installed with arrangements made by the subdivider with the utility company or cooperative authorized to serve the area of the subdivision. Installation shall be in keeping with the latest accepted design standards and procedures along lot lines. Utilities which encroach upon the state highway system shall require an encroachment contract executed by the person or firm responsible for maintenance.
      (4)   Water supply and sewage disposal on individual lots. The size, location, soil conditions and drainage of all lots in the subdivision shall be approved by the Appalachian Regional Health Office relative to individual water supply and sewage disposal systems. Water supply and waste treatment approval requirements are noted in § 154.23.
      (5)   Erosion control.
         (a)   The subdivider shall mulch, seed, sod or otherwise protect all grading, excavations, open cuts, side slopes and other land surface disturbances.
         (b)   It is also the subdivider's responsibility to comply with the State Sedimentation and Pollution Control Act being G.S. §§ 113A-50 et seq. The Planning Board Chairperson will advise the developer to contact the State Department of Health, Environment and Natural Resources Development, Land Quality Section, which agency provides technical assistance and enforcement of the Sedimentation and Pollution Control Act.
      (6)   Removal of rubbish. The subdivider shall remove or bury (provided it is not buried within 100 feet of a house site on the same lot) all cut or fallen trees, stumps or rubbish from the subdivision.
(Ord. passed 1-2-1990)