Communication towers that are in existence at the adoption of this chapter are "grandfathered", with the following exceptions.
   (A)   All commercial wireless communication towers and private wireless communication towers greater than 40 feet must be registered with the County Planning Office within 90 days of the adoption of this chapter.
   (B)   Should the existing tower be unused for 30 consecutive days, the removal requirement applies, as per § 153.10.
   (C)   Any addition, alteration or modification of greater than 50% of an existing tower, or increase in height to an existing tower will void its "grandfather" status, and all elements of this chapter will apply.
   (D)   All existing commercial wireless communication towers shall be brought into compliance with the signage (§ 153.08(G)) and security fence (§ 153.08(C)) requirements of this chapter within 90 days of adoption.
(Ord. passed - -)