General Provisions
152.01 Statutory authority
152.02 Finding of facts
152.03 Statement of purpose
152.04 Objectives
152.05 Definitions
152.06 Lands to which this chapter applies
152.07 Basis for establishing the special flood hazard areas
152.08 Establishment of floodplain development permit
152.09 Compliance
152.10 Abrogation and greater restrictions
152.11 Interpretation
152.12 Warning and disclaimer of liability
152.13 Effect on rights and liabilities under the existing flood damage prevention ordinance
152.14 Effect upon outstanding floodplain development permits
152.15 Effective date
152.30 Designation of Floodplain Administrator
152.31 Floodplain development application permit and certification requirements
152.32 Duties and responsibilities of Floodplain Administrator
152.33 Corrective procedures
152.34 Variance procedures
Flood Hazard Reduction
152.50 General standards
152.51 Specific standards
152.52 Standards for floodplains without established base flood elevations
152.53 Standard for riverine floodplains with base flood elevations but without established floodways or non-encroachments areas
152.54 Floodways and non-encroachment areas
152.99 Penalty
(A) The legislature of the state has, in G.S. Part 6, Art. 21 of Ch. 143; G.S. Parts 3, 5 and 8 of Art. 19 of Ch. 160A; and G.S. Art. 8 of Ch. 160A, delegated to local governmental units the responsibility to adopt regulations designed to promote the public health, safety and general welfare.
(B) Therefore, the Town Council does ordain as follows.
(Ord. passed 8-24-2009)