(A) A Department of Redevelopment, controlled by a Board of five members to be known as the South Whitley Redevelopment Commission be, and hereby is established.
(B) The Redevelopment Commission shall have the power and authorities to do and perform all things as enumerated in I.C. 36-7-14 et seq. (the “Act”) as the Act may be amended which Act is hereby incorporated by reference as if fully set forth herein.
(C) All of the territory within the corporate boundaries of the town constitutes a taxing district for the purpose of levying and collecting special benefit taxes.
(D) The requirement that each Redevelopment Commissioner be bonded as currently set forth at I.C. 36-7-14-7(c) may be satisfied through the town’s umbrella and/or blanket crime insurance policy provisions.
(Ord. 08-22-2017-01, passed 9-12-2017)