260.01 Establishment.
260.02 Membership.
260.03 Clerk; duties, bond and compensation.
260.04 Filing fee for minor subdivision review.
260.05 Appeal of professional fees.
Established - see Ohio R.C. 713.01
Powers and duties - see Ohio R.C. 713.02, 713.06
Planning Commission shall be Platting Commission - see Ohio R.C. 713.03
Zoning Inspector - see ADM. Ch. 250
Planning and zoning- see Part Twelve - Planning and Zoning Code
(a) The Planning Commission shall be composed of five members as follows: the Mayor, who shall be ex officio a member of the Commission during his term of office as Mayor; one member of Council, to be selected by Council for the remainder of his term as a member of Council, and three citizens of the Municipality, to be appointed by the Mayor, subject to confirmation by Council, for terms of six years each, except that the term of one of the members of the first Commission shall be four years, and one shall be for two years. All of such members shall serve without compensation.
(b) The Mayor, with the approval of the majority of Council, may appoint up to three residents of the Village to serve as alternate members of the Planning Commission for a term of six years each. Any alternate member appointed by the Mayor, with the approval of the majority of Council, shall be in addition to the regular members and may substitute for any regular member of the Planning Commission who is unable to attend a meeting of or participate in a matter before the Planning Commission; provided however, that no more than a total of two alternate members may serve simultaneously at the same meeting of the Planning Commission for regular members unable to attend a meeting of or participate in a matter before the Planning Commission. Any alternate member at such meeting or such matter shall have all the powers and duties of a regular member of the Planning Commission, including but not limited to, the ability to vote. In the event any alternate member participates in a matter which does not conclude at such meeting, but is continued for further deliberations, the alternate member shall remain in substitution for the regular member(s) until the conclusion of such matter and the substituted member(s) shall not participate in such matter.
(Ord. 1942-1. Passed 1-6-42; Ord. 2020-03. Passed 1-13-20; Ord. 2023-32. Passed 6-12-23.)
(a) The duties of the Clerk of the Planning Commission shall be to attend all meetings of the Commission, to attend all meetings of the Board of Zoning Appeals, to handle all correspondence related to Commission and Board activities, and to perform such other duties and functions as may be required by law.
(b) The Clerk of the Planning Commission shall execute and file with the Clerk of the Village a bond in such amount and with such sureties as may be required by Council, conditioned upon the faithful performance of his or her duties.
(Ord. 1977-10. Passed 3-28-77.)
(c) The Planning Commission Clerk shall be compensated for the above duties as provided for from time to time by Council