The "B-2" Highway Business District is intended to accommodate and regulate strip commercial developments and compatible uses. Since the businesses, both retail and wholesale, draw their patrons primarily from the motoring public, they typically require direct access to major streets and large lots for off-street parking and loading.
   (A)   Use restrictions.
      (1)   Repairs indoors. All repair and maintenance services shall be conducted within completely enclosed structures. Storage areas may be open to the sky, but shall be enclosed by walls or solid fences at least eight feet high.
      (2)   Refuse containers. All refuse generated by facilities located within this district shall be stored in tightly-covered containers placed in visually-screened areas.
      (3)   Screening. Along the side and rear lot lines of any lot abutting any residential district, screening (a wall, solid fence, or closely-planted shrubbery) at least six feet high which completely blocks the view from the adjacent residential property shall be installed.
      (4)   Parking. See § 155.065 through 155.071.
      (5)   Signs. See § 155.085 through 155.109.
   (B)   Lot and building requirements. Every principal building erected in the "B-2" Highway Business District shall conform to the requirements indicated below:
Minimum lot area
20,000 square feet
Minimum lot width
125 feet at the established building line
Minimum lot depth
150 feet
Minimum setbacks
   From front lot line
50 feet
   Side yards:
      Minimum total setback from both side lot lines
50 feet
      Minimum setback from either side lot line
20 feet
   From rear lot line
25 feet
Maximum structure height
35 feet
   (C)   Permitted uses.
      (1)   Provided all the use restrictions of this district are observed, the following uses are permitted:
         (a)   Any use permitted in the "B-1" District;
         (b)   Churches and related facilities;
         (c)   Clubs and lodges; and
         (d)   Commercial establishments, any type including drive-in facilities.
      (2)   The uses as the following are especially appropriate in this district:
         (a)   Bowling alleys;
         (b)   Furniture and appliance sales;
         (c)   Greenhouses;
         (d)   Lumber and building supplies sales;
         (e)   Mobile home and recreational vehicles sales;
         (f)   Motor vehicles sales;
         (g)   Government uses;
         (h)   Offices; and
         (i)   Service establishments, any type, including drive-in facilities.
      (3)   Such uses as the following are especially appropriate in this district:
         (a)   Animal hospitals;
         (b)   Banks and other financial institutions;
         (c)   Motels;
         (d)   Motor vehicles services;
         (e)   Restaurants;
         (f)   Service stations; and
         (g)   Accessory uses in accordance with § 155.031.
   (D)   Special uses. Provided all the use restrictions of this district are observed, the following uses may be allowed by special use permit (see § 155.051):
      (1)   Drive-in theaters;
      (2)   Bus terminals, and bus transportation facilities;
      (3)   Research and development facilities not involving explosives, flammable gases or liquids, or live animals;
      (4)   Utility substations; and
      (5)   Warehousing and wholesaling of any goods except explosives, flammable gases or liquids, or live animals.
(1994 Code, § 40-4-7)