(A)   In the "R-1" Single-Family Residence District, land is principally used for, or is best suited for, detached single-family dwellings and related educational, religious and recreational facilities.
   (B)   The regulations for this district are intended to stabilize and preserve sound existing single-family neighborhoods, and to promote the development of subdivisions offering a range of new conventionally-constructed single-family housing.
   (C)   Other types of residences: mobile homes, duplexes, apartments and the like, are strictly prohibited in this district.
      (1)   Special restrictions.
         (a)   One principal building per lot: In the "R-1" District, only one principal building shall be situated on any lot.
         (b)   No mobile homes.
            1.   No mobile home shall be brought into or placed anywhere in the "R-1" District.
            2.   No existing mobile home in the "R-1" District shall be immobilized, unless a special-use permit is granted.
            3.   It shall be unlawful to replace any existing mobile home located in the "R-1" District, without a special-use permit from the Zoning Board of Appeals. (See Chapter 153 also.)
      (2)   Lot and building requirements. Every principal building erected in the "R-1" District shall conform to the following requirements:
Minimum lot area
5,500 square feet
Minimum lot width (at established building line)
50 feet
Minimum lot depth
110 feet
Minimum setbacks
   From front lot line
25 feet
   From either side lot line
7.5 feet
   From rear lot line
25 feet
Maximum building height
35 feet
Minimum off-street parking
2 spaces
      (3)   Permitted uses. Agriculture, including all uses commonly classified as such, provided the requirements of § 155.121 are met:
         (a)   Government uses of the village;
         (b)   Single-family dwellings, conventionally-constructed; and
         (c)   Accessory uses in accordance with § 155.031.
      (4)   Special uses.
         (a)   Churches and related religious facilities;
         (b)   Government uses other than those of the village;
         (c)   Home occupations, but only in conformity with the requirements of § 155.123;
         (d)   Schools; and
         (e)   Utility substations
(1994 Code, § 40-4-2)