(A) Farm animals. No barn, stable, shed or other structure intended to shelter farm animals shall be erected closer than 300 feet to any existing dwelling or closer than 200 feet to any lot line of residential property, whichever distance is greater. Similarly, fences shall be erected or other means shall be taken to prevent farm animals from approaching closer than 300 feet to any existing dwelling or closer than 200 feet to any lot line or residential property, whichever distance is greater.
(B) Farm equipment/commodities. No agricultural equipment or commodities (including, but not limited to, baled crops, fertilizer, pesticides/herbicides) shall be stored outdoors closer than 300 feet to any existing dwelling or closer than 200 feet to any lot line of residential property, whichever distance is greater. If the equipment/commodities are stored within a completely enclosed structure, the structure shall be located at least 100 feet from any lot line of residential property.
(C) Barbed wire/electrical fences. See § 155.122(A) below.
(1994 Code, § 40-7-2)