(A)   Site plan submission and staff review.
      (1)   Submission by applicant. The applicant shall submit ten copies of the information required by § 154.111 to the Enforcement Officer, at least 20 days prior to the Plan Commission meeting date upon which the applicant desires to have the site plan considered by the Commission.
      (2)   Completeness of submittal. Upon receipt of the site plan and associated information, the Enforcement Officer shall review the documents to determine acceptability for submission. If the Enforcement Officer determines the submittal is complete, then the submittal shall be date stamped.
      (3)   Staff review. After the site plan has been accepted for review, the Enforcement Officer shall obtain comments on the site plan, or relevant portions thereof from the Street Superintendent, Utility Superintendent, Fire Chief, and the Chairperson of the Village Economic Development and Planning Committee.
         (a)   Staff may recommend changes to the site plan that would improve the functionality of the proposed development or mitigate any potential adverse impacts of the proposed development on neighboring properties.
         (b)   The Enforcement Officer shall compile staff comments into a site plan review report and forward it to the Plan Commission. This report shall identify any discovered deficiencies with respect to compliance with this chapter or other applicable regulations.
   (B)   Plan Commission review. In conducting its review, the Plan Commission shall consider the information provided by the applicant and the staff report on the site plan, and determine whether or not the proposed development complies with the provisions of this chapter.
   (C)   Plan Commission action.
      (1)   The Plan Commission shall either approve, disapprove, or conditionally approve the site plan. In approving a site plan, the Commission may impose conditions and restrictions on said site plan to the extent that such conditions or restrictions will ensure compliance with the spirit and intent of this chapter.
      (2)   If the Plan Commission so acts, it shall specify the specific requirements which must be met before the applicant may be granted final site plan approval and a building permit.
      (3)   The Plan Commission may delegate to the Enforcement Officer the authority to approve the site plan when the Enforcement Officer determines that the prescribed conditions have been met.
(Ord. 834, passed 2-1-2001)