(A)   The site plan shall contain the following information:
      (1)   Name, address, and telephone number of the property owner and, if different, the person or firm submitting the plan (may be submitted on a separate sheet);
      (2)   Twenty-four inches by 36 inches in size. The Enforcement Officer may authorize a different plan scale, so long as the scale is in ten foot increments and the resulting site plan clearly shows the information required herein;
      (3)   Out-boundary of the lot, including all dimensions and bearings, both linear and angular, radii and arcs, necessary for locating the boundaries of the lot. Also include the lot number and subdivision name, if applicable;
      (4)   The area of the lot in square feet or acres to the nearest tenth of an acre;
      (5)   Delineation and identification of all easements (existing and proposed);
      (6)   The zoning district classification of the lot and of adjacent parcels, where different than the site;
      (7)   Delineation of existing buildings, to be retained, and proposed buildings. Also indicate the proposed use of the buildings and the distances, in feet, from the lot lines and right-of-way line(s);
      (8)   Delineation of minimum building setback requirements;
      (9)   A tabulation of the number of multiple-family dwelling units by number of bedrooms, if applicable;
      (10)   Delineation of off-street parking spaces, including itemization of the number of spaces required and proposed. Also indicate typical dimensions for parking stalls, circulation aisle widths, parking bay widths, angle of stalls, and location and dimensions of handicapped parking stalls;
      (11)   Delineation and dimensions of existing and proposed type of pavement and curbing, including the location of existing and proposed curb cuts. Also indicate right-of-way line of streets abutting the site;
      (12)   Grading, storm drainage, and erosion control plans, in accordance with the requirements of the village, IDOT and any other applicable regulation;
      (13)   The approximate location and size of existing and proposed sanitary and storm sewers, culverts, water mains, and other underground utilities;
      (14)   In situations where landscaping and/or screening is required by this chapter (see § 154.057), provide a landscape plan showing existing and proposed landscaping, including the name and size of plant material. Also, provide plans and elevation details of any human-made screening material as may be required by this chapter (such as, required fencing between residential and nonresidential uses, and required screening of mechanical equipment and trash disposal containers);
      (15)   Location, type, dimensions, and size of all signs associated with the proposed development (see §§ 154.090 through 154.098);
      (16)   Provide an exterior lighting plan for all parking and common pedestrian areas;
      (17)   Topography of the project area with contour intervals of five feet or less, unless waived by the Plan Commission as clearly unnecessary to review of the project; and
      (18)   Stormwater runoff and detention.
         (a)   A detention facility and controlled release of stormwater runoff shall be required for developments subject to site plan requirements.
         (b)   The detention facility shall be designed and calculated on the basis of the 100-year frequency rainfall (for the proposed development), in accordance with the Illinois Department of Transportation Drainage Manual. The plans for such facility shall be sealed by a state professional engineer.
         (c)   The detention facilities required by this division (A)(18) shall be constructed so that the rate of release of stormwater shall not exceed either: the stormwater runoff rate from the tract in its existing state; or the prorated capacity of existing downstream storm sewers or streams.
         (d)   The volume of detention required by this division (A)(18) shall be that necessary to handle the runoff of a 100-year frequency rate rainfall, for any and all durations, from the fully developed drainage area tributary to the detention facility, less that volume discharged during the same duration.
         (e)   The maintenance adoption of any detention facility required by this division (A)(18) shall be the responsibility of the owner of the real estate which the facilities is located, and he or she shall do so in compliance with the plans approved by the Plan Commission prior to construction of the facility, and in compliance with the ordinances of the village. If the owner fails to maintain the detention facility, then the village: may institute an action for injunction relief, to require the owner so to maintain the facility; or may take the necessary actions to maintain the facility and shall be authorized to institute any legal proceedings necessary to recover from the owner the sums of money expended by the village in so maintaining the detention facility.
         (f)   The Plan Commission shall have the authority to approve a site plan without a detention facility when presented with the sufficient evidence that the following conditions are met:
            1.   An out-fall sewer with adequate available capacity to take the design flow without detention is available or is to be provided; or
            2.   A downstream retention or detention facility designed to include runoff from the area being developed is available or is to be provided.
   (B)   Additional information, beyond the requirements listed above, may be requested by the Enforcement Officer or the Plan Commission when such additional information is determined to be necessary for evaluating the proposed development.
(Ord. 834, passed 2-1-2001)