(A)   Planting specifications.
      (1)   General.
         (a)   Landscaping required by this chapter shall mean living plants in a combination of trees, shrubs, and/or ground cover.
         (b)   Unless otherwise stated in this chapter, all size specifications for plant materials shall be based upon the time of planting. When caliper is specified for tree planting, the caliper of the tree trunk shall be measured at 12 inches above the ground level.
      (2)   Planting types.
         (a)   Canopy trees. A self-supporting woody, deciduous plant having not less than a two and one-half inch caliper and reaches a mature height of not less than 20 feet and a mature spread of not less than 15 feet.
         (b)   Ornamental trees. A self-supporting woody, deciduous plant having not less than a one and one-half inch caliper and normally attains a mature height of at least 15 feet and usually has one main stem or trunk and many branches. Several species may appear to have several stems or trunks.
         (c)   Evergreen trees. A tree having foliage that persists and remains green throughout the year and having a height of not less than six feet and maturing to a height of not less than 20 feet.
         (d)   Shrub. A self-supporting woody perennial plant (deciduous or evergreen) of low to medium height characterized by multiple stems and branches continuous from its base and having a height of not less than two feet and normally maturing to a height of not more than ten feet.
         (e)   Ground cover. Plants, other than turf grass, normally reaching an average maximum height of not more than 24 inches at maturity.
   (B)   Screening between nonresidential and residential zoning districts.
      (1)   In situations where a nonresidential use is established adjacent to residentially zoned property, the developer of the nonresidential use shall provide the following screening within the required rear and/or side yard building setback areas.
         (a)   Within this setback, there shall be a landscaped buffer area not less than 15 feet in width, planted with one canopy tree for every 30 lineal feet of common property line or planted with evergreen trees spaced so that such evergreen trees create a continuous visual screen within five years after planting. Combination of canopy trees, evergreen trees, ornamental trees, and shrubs are permissible and encouraged, provided that such landscaping, in the opinion of the Enforcement Officer, will effectively screen the nonresidential uses from the view of the abutting residential zoned properties.
         (b)   In addition, there shall be placed at the property line a neat, clean, and maintained sight-proof fence or wall having a minimum height of six feet but not more than eight feet. Where a loading area or access drive thereto is within 50 feet of residentially zoned property, the fence shall be eight feet in height.
      (2)   In situations where a residential subdivision (more than three lots) or other multiple dwelling unit development is constructed on a site that is adjacent to business- or industrially-zoned lot, the developer of the residential subdivision or development shall provide the following increase in setbacks and screening.
         (a)   The minimum setback for the principal residential buildings shall be increased by 15 feet along the common property line separating the residential and commercial or industrial zoning district. A permanent buffer strip of a minimum of 15 feet shall be established adjacent to and parallel to the said common property line(s). This strip shall be indicated on the approved subdivision plat and/or development plan and annotated with the following statement: “This strip is reserved for landscape screening. The placement of buildings or other structures hereon is prohibited.”
         (b)   Within this buffer strip, there shall be a landscaped area planted with one canopy tree for every 30 lineal feet of common property line or planted with evergreen trees spaced so that such evergreen trees create a contiguous visual screen within five years after planting. Combination of canopy trees, evergreen trees, and shrubs are permissible and encouraged, provided that such landscaping, in the opinion of the Enforcement Officer, will effectively screen the nonresidential property from the view of the residential subdivision or development.
         (c)   In addition, there shall be placed at the property line a neat, clean, and maintained sight-proof fence or wall having a minimum height of six feet, but not more than eight feet.
   (C)   Screening of building mechanical or electrical equipment. Major mechanical and electrical systems should be located within the building envelope, if possible. In situations where this is not possible, the following screening standards shall apply to all building mechanical and electrical equipment located outdoors. Exceptions: developments in the I-1 District and air conditioning units associated with individual residential dwellings need not comply with these screening requirements.
      (1)   Ground-mounted equipment. Exterior equipment may be located at ground level, or depressed below ground level, so that the maximum height does not exceed eight feet. The equipment shall not be visible between the ground level and six feet above ground level of any street adjoining the property or from adjacent properties. Screening may be achieved with a wall that is consistent with and/or complementary to the exterior material of the principal building or with dense landscaping. In no case shall ground-mounted building equipment be located between the principal building and a public right-of-way or private street.
      (2)   Roof-mounted equipment. All rooftop building service equipment shall not be visible between the ground level and six feet above ground level of any street adjoining the property or from adjacent properties. All mechanical equipment shall be screened by an integral element of the architectural design of the building or a separate permanently installed screen which harmonizes with the building in terms of material, color, size, and shape. Rooftop equipment shall be permitted, without screening, if it is of a low profile design and in a location on the roof which is not visible between the ground level and six feet above ground level of any street adjoining the property or from adjacent properties.
   (D)   Screening of refuse disposal containers.
      (1)   For all nonresidential developments, outside storage of refuse shall be in suitable, covered, containers and shall be located so that such containers cannot be seen from adjacent streets or properties. Where such containers cannot be so located, the containers shall be screened from view from all four sides with a wood, masonry fence (brick, stone, or textured and pigmented concrete, with an opaque gate made of metal or wood, but excluding chain link or wire) having a minimum height of six feet but not more than eight feet.
      (2)   For all residential developments, outside storage of refuse shall be in suitable, covered, containers and shall be located so that such containers cannot be seen from adjacent streets or properties. In multifamily developments having shared outside trash storage containers, such containers shall be screened from view from all four sides with a sight proof fence or wall, consistent with the architectural character of the multifamily dwellings. Chain-link fences, with opaque slat inserts, shall not be permitted for this purpose.
      (3)   Exceptions to screening requirements:
         (a)   Refuse containers located adjacent to alleys are exempt from screening requirements on the alley side; and
         (b)   Refuse containers associated with one-family and two-family dwellings are exempt from screening requirements.
   (E)   Landscaping of off-street parking areas.
      (1)   Landscaping requirements for parking areas adjacent to streets. Where a parking lot, having 20 or more parking spaces is adjacent to or is visible from any public or private street, the entire frontage along said parking area, excluding entrance drives, shall be landscaped as follows:
         (a)   Two canopy trees and two shrubs shall be planted for every 40 feet of frontage, to be located within a strip of land paralleling the adjacent street and having a width of not less than ten feet. Trees do not have to be placed 40 feet on center. Strategic placement and grouping of trees and shrubs is encouraged. Incorporation of ground cover in the planting scheme is also encouraged.
         (b)   Other than turf grass or ground cover, landscaping of ground paralleling the adjacent street shall be located outside of the street right-of-way. The Enforcement Officer may permit required landscaping within the street right-of-way if it can be demonstrated that no reasonable alternative exists and that written authorization is provided by any affected public agency or utility company that has jurisdiction over the right-of-way or has easement rights.
         (c)   A maximum of 50% of the required number of trees may consist of ornamental trees. The Enforcement Officer may authorize an increase in this percentage where canopy trees may interfere with overhead wires.
         (d)   The required number of trees and shrubs may be reduced by up to 50% if earth sculpting, berms, or decorative screening walls are installed on private property along the frontage of the adjacent street to a height of not less than three feet above the grade of the parking area and, in the opinion of the Enforcement Officer, are designed to effectively screen the parking area yet avoid erosion, drainage, or maintenance problems.
         (e)   No landscaping, walls, or berm that exceeds 24 inches in height shall be located within ten feet of any parking lot access drive or otherwise located so as to interfere with the sight distance visibility of vehicular traffic or pedestrians.
      (2)   Landscaping requirements for interior areas. A parking lot, having 40 or more parking spaces, shall be landscaped as follows.
         (a)   A minimum of 20 square feet of interior landscaped areas shall be provided for each parking space. The landscaping shall be in one or more areas so as to break up the apparent expanse of the parking area and, whenever feasible, located at the ends of parking rows abutting circulation aisles. In order to qualify as interior landscaped area, said area shall be located wholly within or projecting inward from the boundaries of the parking area. The landscaped strip, as required under division (B) above, shall not qualify as an interior landscaped area, regardless of its width or depth.
         (b)   Individual interior landscaped areas shall have a minimum area of 50 square feet and a minimum width of nine feet. One canopy or ornamental tree shall be planted for every 400 square feet of the total of all interior landscaped areas. Trees shall be evenly spaced whenever possible.
         (c)   A maximum of 50% of the required number of trees may consist of ornamental and/or evergreen trees.
      (3)   Protection of landscaping. Landscaped areas shall be protected from the encroachment of motor vehicles by placing, along the entire perimeter of the landscaped area, a six-inch concrete curb or other curbing material approved by the Enforcement Officer.
   (F)   Installation and maintenance of landscaping.
      (1)   Immediately upon planting, all trees shall conform to the American Standard for Nurserymen, published by the American Association of Nurserymen, Inc., as revised from time to time.
      (2)   All new landscaped areas shall be installed prior to the occupancy or use of the building or premises; or if the time of the season or weather conditions are not conductive to planting, the Enforcement Officer may authorize a delay for such planting up to six months after occupancy or use of the buildings or premises. Dead plant materials shall be replaced in a timely fashion with living plant material, taking into consideration the season of the year, and shall have at least the same quantity and quality of landscaping as initially approved.
      (3)   All landscaping and screening shall be maintained in a healthy, neat, trimmed, clean, and weed-free condition. The ground surface of landscaped areas shall be covered with either grass and/or other types of pervious ground cover located beneath and surrounding the trees and shrubs.
      (4)   Any required landscaped area, greater than 150 square feet in area, shall be provided with an underground irrigation system or be provided with a potable water supply within 50 feet of said landscaped areas, or equivalent means.
   (G)   Tree preservation.
      (1)   Significant healthy existing trees, having a diameter of eight inches or greater, as measured at diameter breast height (DBH) above the established ground level shall be preserved, except as provided herein.
      (2)   Trees on a proposed development site meeting the above criteria shall be shown on the site plan. Such trees to be removed shall be indicated on the site plan. Tree preservation techniques, such as installation of retaining walls, shall be indicated on the site plan and/or in supplemental detail drawings.
(Ord. 834, passed 2-1-2001)