(A) Construction requirements.
(1) Surfacing and drainage.
(a) Parking areas. All open off-street parking areas and driveways, except required parking spaces accessory to one-family and two-family dwellings, shall be graded and paved with a durable dust-free and hard material, such as bituminous hot mix or Portland cement concrete, or some comparable specified above. All parking areas and driveways shall be properly drained so as to avoid surface puddling or any nuisance or damage to adjacent property.
(b) Loading areas. All loading spaces shall be improved with a compacted select gravel base, not less than seven inches thick, and surfaced with an all-weather dustless material, such as bituminous hot mix or Portland cement concrete, suitably designed for intended use.
(2) Perimeter curbing. Except for parking areas necessary to one-family and two-family dwellings, fixed and permanent wheel bumpers or curbs of concrete or comparable material at least four inches high shall be installed for each parking stall which is located along the perimeter of any off-street parking area.
(B) Vehicular access and circulation.
(1) Access.
(a) Access to parking and loading areas. Off-street parking or loading areas shall be provided with vehicular access via curb-cuts and access drives from an improved street or alley which will least interfere with vehicular and pedestrian traffic. Except for off-street parking accessory to one-family and two-family dwellings, such parking areas shall be designed to avoid motor vehicles backing into public streets, alleys, or sidewalks.
(b) Access to parking and loading spaces. Each off-street parking and loading space shall be accessible directly from an aisle or driveway. The only exception to this requirement is off-street parking associated with residential dwellings (other than apartment dwellings) and parking reserved exclusively for vehicle sales, leasing, or rental.
(2) Parking area delineations. All parking lots shall be striped to provide a visible indicator for vehicle circulation and parking maneuvers. Parking spaces and other circulation markings shall be restored, as necessary, to maintain a clear identification of separate parking stall spaces and other markings at all times.
(3) Traffic control. Vehicular traffic to, from, and within an off-street parking or loading area shall be controlled by appropriate traffic control signs, surface markings, and curb islands. All parking areas which will, in the opinion of the Enforcement Officer, generate a significant volume of traffic movement shall have its entrances clearly marked and designated as to direction of traffic flow or other conditions of use of the access driveway by the use of low-profile signs.
(C) Location of parking areas.
(1) All required off-street parking shall be provided on the same zoning lot occupied by the use or building to which it is appurtenant, except as provided for below.
(2) In the event that there exist practical difficulties in satisfying the requirement for parking spaces and/or if the public safety and convenience would be adequately served by another location, the Enforcement Officer may authorize an alternate location, subject to the following conditions.
(a) If parking is to be located elsewhere than on the lot which the principal use is located, then the off-site property to be utilized for parking shall be in the same possession (either by deed, or by easement, or long-term lease which has a term equal to or exceeding the projected life or term of lease of the facility) as the owner of the principal use. In addition, the owner of property used for off-site parking shall be bound by covenants filed in the office of the County Recorder of Deeds, requiring such owner, successors, assigns to maintain the required number of off-street parking spaces during the existence of such principal use utilizing the property for parking.
(b) Such off-site parking areas shall be located not more than 500 feet from the nearest primary entrance to the principal building being served, provided the lot, for which off-site parking is to be provided, is located in a zoning district that permits a parking lot or structure as a principal use. In addition, such off-site parking areas shall not be located so as to cause persons to cross an arterial street to get from said parking area to the principal use which it serves.
(D) Parking and loading area setback requirements.
(1) (a) Except as otherwise limited by the provisions of this chapter, parking areas, circulation aisles, and driveways may be located in a required front yard, side yard, or rear yard; provided that a minimum of five-foot setback is maintained between the parking area and the property lines.
(b) Exception: where no building setback is required by this chapter, or where a parking area is to be located adjacent to a similarly zoned property and cross-access is provided between the two properties, the five-foot setback requirement shall not apply to the cross-access drive.
(2) No loading space shall be closer than 35 feet to any property in a residential district unless said space is completely enclosed by a building. No loading space shall be located within any area where parking is prohibited by this chapter.
(3) On lots developed with one-family or two-family dwellings, no motor vehicle shall be permitted to be parked between the dwelling and any street unless such vehicle is parked upon a driveway. Said driveway shall conform to all of the following standards:
(a) The driveway shall not be wider than 40% of the width of the lot on which the driveway is located or 36 feet, whichever is less;
(b) The driveway shall not cover more than 40% of the required front yard; and
(c) In all instances, no vehicle shall be parked so as to have any portion of the vehicle located over a public or private sidewalk or pedestrian way.
(E) RV (recreational vehicle), campers, trailers, boats and commercial motor vehicle parking.
(1) RV’s (recreational vehicle), campers, trailers, boats and commercial motor vehicles may not be parked in front yards or between the house and the street, except when loading, unloading, cleaning or servicing.
(2) In residential districts, RV’s, trailers, campers, boats and commercial motor vehicles may be parked in side yards, rear yards and enclosed garages and buildings subject to the following regulations:
(a) RV’s, campers, trailers, boats and commercial motor vehicles shall not be parked closer than five feet to any property line of the lot and may not extend past the front of the residential structure;
(b) Parked RV’s, trailers, campers, boats and commercial motor vehicles shall not encroach on or block the view of the roadway right-of-way from any adjoining property;
(c) In no case may RV’s, campers, trailers and boats be parked or stored on village-owned property or on roadway rights-of-way;
(d) All RV’s, campers, trailers, boats and commercial motor vehicles shall be parked or stored on an asphalt, concrete or other hard surface material;
(e) No RV, camper, trailer, boat or commercial motor vehicle may exceed 30 feet in length, eight feet in width or 11 feet in height; and
(f) RV’s, campers, trailers, boats and commercial motor vehicles may not be used or occupied for living or business purposes.
(F) Dimensional standards.
(1) Parking areas. Except for off-street parking associated with one-family, two-family dwellings, and as otherwise provided in this section, the minimum dimensional requirements shown in Figure 1 shall apply to all off-street parking areas.
Figure 1
A: Angle of parking stalls
B: Stall width
C: Vehicle projection (stall depth, perpendicular to curb)
D: Aisle width
E: Curb length per parking stall
F: Width of parking bay (curb to curb)
G: Width of parking bay (double loaded aisle)
H: Width of double loaded parking stalls
A* | |||
45° | 60° | 90° |
A* | |||
45° | 60° | 90° | |
B | 9.0 feet | 9.0 feet | 9.0 feet |
C | 19.7 feet | 21.0 feet | 19.0 feet |
D” | 12.5 feet | 17.5 feet | 22.0 feet |
E | 12.7 feet | 10.5 feet | 9.0 feet |
F | 51.9 feet | 59.5 feet | 60.0 feet |
G | 45.6 feet | 55.0 feet | - |
H | 33.1 feet | 37.5 feet | 38.0 feet |
Table notes: *Parallel parking spaces shall be 9 feet by 22 feet adjacent to a 22 feet two-way aisle or 15 feet one-way aisle. Aisle widths indicated in the above table are for one-way vehicle flow except for 90°-angled parking stalls. All two-way aisles shall have a minimum width of 22 feet. | |||
(2) Loading areas. The area of loading berths or spaces shall be at least 12 feet in width and at least 25 feet in length (45 feet for tractor/trailer loading berths), exclusive of aisle and maneuvering space, and shall have a vertical clearance of at lest 14 feet.
(3) Exceptions to dimensional standards.
(a) Additional aisle width and turning radii may be required to accommodate emergency vehicles and equipment, or where the aisle serves as a principal means of access and circulation within the site, including access to loading spaces, drive-through facilities, or trash storage facilities.
(b) If the desired parking angle is not specified in this section, the Enforcement Officer may specify other equivalent dimensions associated with the desired parking angle by interpolating from dimensional standards specified in this section.
(c) The Enforcement Officer may authorize a reduction in the vehicle projection (stall depth), as specified in this section, where parking stalls front along the curbed perimeter portion of the parking area (without wheel stops or bumpers). This reduction shall only be permitted where such a reduction will not result in an obstruction to pedestrians on adjacent sidewalks and where there is sufficient clearance between the curb and the vehicle overhang. The reduction shall comply with the dimensional limitations contained in Figure 2.
Figure 2 | ||
Parking Stall Angle | Allowable Reduction in Stall Depth | Minimum Overhang Clearance |
45° | 1 feet-6 inches | 2 feet-6 inches |
60° | 1 feet-9 inches | 2 feet-9 inches |
90° | 2 feet-0 inches | 3 feet-0 inches |
Table notes: *Stall depth, measured perpendicular to curb (vehicle projection). ** Unobstructed horizontal clearance measured from the front of curb. |
(d) Vehicle stacking lanes (queuing or waiting area for drive-through facilities) shall be a minimum of 11 feet by 20 feet per required stacking space.
(e) A 90 degree compact car stall dimension of not less than eight feet by 17 feet may be used for off-street parking that is in excess of the minimum required parking spaces as set forth in this subchapter. To the extent possible, such smaller parking spaces shall be located in a single contiguous area that is clearly marked for use by compact vehicles only. Aisle widths associated with allowable compact car parking spaces shall be the same as required in this section.
(f) Off-street parking spaces for vehicles, other than personal passenger vehicles, shall be of a size (exclusive of aisle, drives, and maneuvering space) sufficient to accommodate the length and width of the vehicle as well as the opening of vehicle doors for ingress and egress.
(Ord. 834, passed 2-1-2001; Ord. passed 8-1-2019)