(A) Purpose and intent. The intent of the I-1 District is to provide areas in the community within which manufacturing operations of limited types, wholesale, warehousing, and other compatible uses can locate. This district is provided to permit the development of such uses and to impose certain development standards so as to minimize potential negative impacts within and beyond the district. To these ends certain uses which would function more effectively in other districts and would interfere with or be impacted by the operations of industrial activity have been excluded.
(B) Permitted uses. The following uses are permitted in the I-1 District. In addition to the land uses permitted in this district, certain other uses may be conditionally allowed per division (C) below. Other uses not listed, which are determined by the Enforcement Officer to be identical or similar to one or more of the following uses, may be permitted as well. When an unlisted use is proposed, which appears to meet the intent of this district but its potential impact is uncertain, then such use shall be considered a special use:
(1) Accessory uses (see § 154.056);
(2) Any manufacturing, fabricating, assembly, disassembly, processing or treatment of goods and products including, but not limited to:
(a) Appliances, small;
(b) Bicycles;
(c) Bookbinderies;
(d) Canvas and canvas products;
(e) Clothing and textiles;
(f) Creameries and dairies;
(g) Drugs and pharmaceutical products;
(h) Electrical components;
(i) Food products, but not including operations requiring on-site pretreatment sanitary waste lagoons;
(j) Glass and ceramics;
(k) Ice;
(l) Musical instruments;
(m) Metal polishing and plating;
(n) Paper and paper products;
(o) Plastic products, but not including processing of raw materials;
(p) Rubber products, small, but including the processing raw materials;
(q) Sheet metal;
(r) Textiles, spinning, weaving, dyeing, and printing;
(s) Tools and hardware, such as hand tools, fasteners, and other household hardware;
(t) Toys; and
(u) Wood assembly and finishing.
(3) Building contractors office and materials storage;
(4) Building material sales and storage;
(5) Bus and train stations and terminals;
(6) Business, professional, and technical training schools;
(7) Cartage and express facilities;
(8) Dwellings (one-dwelling unit only) only when used by the caretakers and their families, who own or are employed in the allowable commercial or industrial use of the premises;
(9) Farm equipment sales and service;
(10) Golf courses and other open space recreational uses;
(11) Lumberyards;
(12) Machinery sales, service, and storage;
(13) Machine shops;
(14) Magnetic and digital media recording;
(15) Motor freight terminals;
(16) Offices;
(17) Outdoor storage, as a principal use, except junkyards, salvage yards, and wrecked vehicle storage yards, and provided that no outdoor storage shall be located with the minimum building setbacks established herein;
(18) Parking lots, as a principal use;
(19) Plumbing and heating service and equipment stores;
(20) Printing establishments;
(21) Public buildings, except school buildings;
(22) Public utility facilities;
(23) Recreational vehicle sales and leasing;
(24) Research laboratories and facilities;
(25) Showrooms and retail outlets associated with warehouse or manufacturing facilities where the showroom or retail portion does not exceed 30% of the gross floor area;
(26) Sign shops;
(27) Tool and dye shops;
(28) Truck/trailer sales and leasing;
(29) Union halls, hiring halls, and trade association offices/meeting rooms;
(30) Vehicle repair facilities;
(31) Vehicle service facilities;
(32) Warehouse and wholesale establishments, distribution centers;
(33) Warehouses, self-service storage; and
(34) Welding shops.
(1) Day care centers;
(2) Penal and correctional facilities;
(3) Recycling centers;
(4) Sewage treatment plants, and sanitary-waste lagoons; and
(5) Other occupancies not enumerated in this division (C), but consistent with I-1 zoning.
(D) Density and dimensional regulations.
(1) Minimum lot size.
(a) Lot area: 20,000 square feet; and
(b) Lot width: 100 feet.
(2) Minimum building setbacks.
(a) Front yard setback: 50 feet;
(b) Side yard setback: 20 feet;
(c) Rear yard setback: 20 feet; and
(d) Exception: building setback requirements described above for side or rear yards adjacent to a railroad service spur shall not be applicable. Also, a side yard setback of 50 feet and/or a rear yard setback of 50 feet shall be provided where such property lines abut a dwelling district. In addition, see § 154.057 for screening requirements.
(3) Building height limitations.
(a) Height limit: 35 feet or three stories; and
1. Right-of-way setback. The minimum building setback shall be increased by one foot for each two feet, or portion thereof, of increased building height, provided, however, that the setback from the right-of-way does not have to exceed 100 feet.
2. Property line setback. When adjacent to a dwelling district, the minimum building setback shall be increased by one foot for each two feet, or portion thereof, of increased building height, provided, however, that the setback from the property line does not have to exceed 100 feet.
(4) Maximum site coverage. Maximum site coverage: 70%.
(E) Other development standards.
(1) Except as otherwise permitted in this district, all uses shall be operated in its entirety within a completely enclosed structure. This limitation does not apply to outdoor storage of items that are screened from public view and located behind the building setback line from a street right-of-way or a property line.
(2) Processes and equipment employed and goods processed or sold shall be limited to those which are not objectionable by reason of odor, dust, smoke, noise, vibration, refuse, water-carried waste, pollutants, or other matter which in any manner creates a nuisance beyond the boundaries of the I-1 District (also see § 154.062 for performance standards).
(Ord. 834, passed 2-1-2001)