(A)   Intent and purpose. The B-1 District is intended to accommodate limited retail and service businesses at locations within or adjacent to residential neighborhoods. Such retail and service establishments are intended to serve a relatively small and local market area, or are of such character and intensity which are compatible with the surrounding neighborhood.
   (B)   Permitted uses. The following uses are permitted in the B-1 District, subject to a limit of 3,500 square feet of gross floor area for the principal building containing one or more of the uses. In addition to the land uses permitted in this district, certain other uses may be conditionally allowed per division (C) below. Any permitted land use or development, that contains a principal building which exceeds 3,500 square feet of gross floor area, shall be considered a special use (see division (C) below). Other uses not listed, which are determined by the Enforcement Officer to be identical or similar to one or more of the following uses, may be permitted as well. When an unlisted use is proposed, which appears to meet the intent of this district but its potential impact is uncertain, then such use shall be considered a special use:
      (1)   Accessory uses (see § 154.056);
      (2)   Artist, sculptor, or craft studios;
      (3)   Bakeries, limited to the processing of bakery goods for sale only on the premises;
      (4)   Day care centers, caring for 20 or fewer individuals;
      (5)   Dry-cleaning drop-off/pick-up (no cleaning facilities on site);
      (6)   Specialty food shops;
      (7)   Laundromats, self service;
      (8)   Offices;
      (9)   Offices, medical and dental;
      (10)   Pharmacies;
      (11)   Places of worship;
      (12)   Recreation facilities, commercial; or health clubs;
      (13)   Restaurants;
      (14)   Retail service establishments, including: barber shops and beauty parlors; copying and duplicating services; dressmaking or tailor shops; private postal services; shoe repair shops; suntan parlors; travel agencies; typing and stenography services; and other similar service establishments;
      (15)   Retail specialty shops, including: antique shops; art and school supplies; bicycle shops; book stores; camera shops and film developing; candy stores; card and stationery shops; florist shops; gift shops; hobby shops; jewelry stores; newspaper and magazine shops; record, tape, and compact disc shops; tobacco and pipe shops; and other similar specialty retail establishments;
      (16)   Schools, public;
      (17)   Schools and studios, private; for less than 20 students in attendance at any one time; and
      (18)   Video rental and sales stores.
   (C)   Special uses. The following uses may be permitted in the B-1 District, subject to the issuance of a special use permit in accordance with §§ 154.125 through 154.128:
      (1)   All permitted uses, listed under division (B) above, which exceed 3,500 square feet of gross floor area but not exceeding 12,000 square feet of gross floor area; or require a drive-through;
      (2)   Amusement centers, indoor;
      (3)   Animal hospitals and veterinary clinics, but not including animal boarding facilities or outdoor animal exercise areas;
      (4)   Bars and taverns;
      (5)   Bowling alleys;
      (6)   Day care centers, serving more than 20 individuals;
      (7)   Dry-cleaning establishments, with cleaning facilities on site;
      (8)   Outdoor dining, on premises only;
      (9)   Parks and playgrounds, public or not-for-profit;
      (10)   Public utilities, excluding communication towers;
      (11)   Restaurants, fast food;
      (12)   Schools and studios, private; with more than 20 students in attendance at any one time; and
      (13)   A single dwelling unit when located above a permitted use, or in the same structure on grade level, to the rear of the permitted use.
      (14)   Any liquor license in B-1 zoning requires a special use license.
   (D)   Density and dimensional regulations.
      (1)   Minimum lot size.
         (a)   Lot area: 10,000 square feet; and
         (b)   Lot width: 75 feet.
      (2)   Minimum building setbacks.
         (a)   Front yard setback: 20 feet;
         (b)   Side yard setback: none (except where such side property line abuts a dwelling district, where a setback of 25 feet shall be provided);
         (c)   Rear yard setback: 20 feet; and
         (d)   Modification of rear or side yard setback: the minimum property line setback requirement may be modified via the special use permit procedure, under §§ 154.125 through 154.128. Such modifications may be more or less stringent, depending on the potential impact of the proposed development in the B-1 District which is adjacent to a dwelling district. In the case of a request for a less stringent setback, the special use permit applicant must demonstrate screening between the proposed development and the adjacent residential district above and beyond the minimum screening requirements contained in § 154.057.
      (3)   Building height limitations. Building height limitations are 25 feet or two stories.
      (4)   Maximum site coverage.
         (a)   For developments encompassing 20,000 square feet or more of land area, site coverage shall not exceed 70%. Site coverage may be increased by a factor of 1% to 10% under the special use permit procedures contained in §§ 154.125 through 154.128. Such additional site coverage may be allowed in consideration of special or outstanding landscape design and site planning features. Such features to be considered in allowing any additional site coverage includes the following:
            1.   A professionally designed landscape plan which incorporates proper irrigation, intense planting, and retention of existing trees and other plants worthy of saving;
            2.   Use of low masonry walls of architectural quality (brick or textured and pigmented concrete), terraces, berms, and earth sculpting to screen parking areas; and
            3.   Special pedestrian facilities and features such as plazas, covered walkways, fountains, and seating areas.
         (b)   The balance of the site, not covered by buildings and structures, parking lots, vehicle circulation, and other accessory facilities, shall be devoted to landscaping, pedestrian circulation, plazas, and buffering.
   (E)   Other development standards.
      (1)   Except for permitted outdoor dining, off-street parking and loading; all business, merchandise display, servicing, processing, and storage, which takes place outdoors, shall be limited to 100 square feet in area. Otherwise, all business, merchandise display, servicing, processing, and storage shall be conducted within completely enclosed buildings. This limitation does not apply to outdoor storage of items that are screened from public view and located behind the building setback line from a street right-of-way or a property line.
      (2)   Processes and equipment employed and goods processed or sold shall be limited to those which are not objectionable by reason of odor, dust, smoke, noise, vibration, refuse, water-carried waste, pollutants or other matter which in any manner creates a nuisance beyond the property line of a particular use (also see § 154.062 for performance standards).
(Ord. 834, passed 2-1-2001; Ord. 1084, passed 12-5-2019)