(A) General subdivision information shall describe or outline the existing conditions of the site and the proposed development as necessary to supplement the drawings required below. This information may include data on existing covenants, land characteristics, and available community facilities and utilities; and information describing the subdivision proposal such as number of residential lots, typical lot width and depth, price range, business areas, school, playground, park areas, and other public areas, proposed protective covenants, and proposed utilities and street improvements.
(B) Sketch plan on topographic survey shall show in simple sketch form the proposed layout of streets, lots, and other features in relation to existing conditions. The sketch plan may be a freehand pencil sketch made directly on a print of the topographic survey. The sketch plan shall include the existing topographic data listed in § 153.071(A).
(C) Sketch plans shall not be deemed sufficient for Plan Commission review or approval. The Plan Commission shall give no approval of sketch plans.
(Ord. 889, passed 8-4-2005)