   (A)   This subchapter shall apply to the manufacture, possession, storage, sale, transportation, and use of explosives and blasting agents.
   (B)   This subchapter shall not apply to explosives or blasting agents while in the course of transportation via railroad, water, highway, or air when the explosives or blasting agents are moving under the jurisdiction of and in conformity with regulations adopted by any federal or state department or agency; the transportation and use of explosives or blasting agents in the normal and emergency operations of state or federal agencies or to municipal fire and police departments, provided they are acting in their official capacities and in the proper performance of their duties; small arms ammunition and the components therefor which are subject to the United States Code and the regulations promulgated thereunder; blasting standards in the Kentucky Revised Statutes and Kentucky Administrative Regulations; and/or explosives or blasting agents being used on the site of federal or state projects.
(1993 Code, § 51.01)
   All activities within the scope of this subchapter shall conform to the regulations of the State Department of Mines and Minerals.
(1993 Code, § 51.02) Penalty, see § 94.99
   (A)   No person or corporation shall conduct a blasting operation within the city without first obtaining a blasting permit from the Building Inspector.
   (B)   The fee for a blasting permit or permit renewal shall be $10.
   (C)   No person or corporation shall be issued a blasting permit to blast on public property unless the person to be in charge of the blasting holds a valid state blaster’s license.
   (D)   No person or corporation shall be issued a blasting permit to blast on private property with more than five pounds of explosives unless the person in charge of the blasting holds a valid state blaster’s license.
   (E)   The blasting permit shall specify the location of the blasting to be permitted.
   (F)   If a project is not completed, the blasting permit must be renewed annually upon payment of the renewal fee by the applicant.
   (G)   A blasting permit allowing blasting shall be issued upon application, but on public property shall not become valid until seven days after its issuance.
   (H)   If unanticipated blasting is required, the blasting permit may become valid as soon as the Building Inspector notifies all required agencies.
   (I)   On any contract issued by an agency of the city, the blasting permit shall be issued by the Building Inspector unless otherwise specified in the contract.
   (J)   False statements made for the purpose of obtaining a blasting permit shall render the blasting permit null and void from the time of issue.
   (K)   A copy of the blasting permit shall be distributed by the Building Inspector to the Police Department; Fire Department; City Engineer; and to the appropriate utilities.
(1993 Code, § 51.03) Penalty, see § 94.99
   No person or corporation shall operate a business establishment where explosives are maintained for the sale or manufacture for sale of explosives within the city without first obtaining a permit from the Building Inspector. The fee for this permit is $40.
(1993 Code, § 51.04) Penalty, see § 94.99
§ 94.99 PENALTY.
   (A)   The violation of any section of this chapter other than §§ 94.20 through 94.23 is a civil offense and shall be enforced pursuant to Chapter 32 of this code.
   (B)   Any person violating §§ 94.20 through 94.23 shall be fined in an amount of not less than $10, nor more than $100, imprisoned not more than 90 days, or both fined and imprisoned. Each day of violation shall constitute a separate offense.
(Ord. 12-01, passed 1-18-2012; Am. Ord. 16-10, passed 10-19-2016)