Checklist for Minor Subdivision
Checklist for Minor Subdivision
A. Location map submission requirements
   1. The location map shall consist of data added to an existing base map of a suitable scale covering an area of at least one mile radius from the tract proposed for development. The location map shall show the following information
      a. Title of proposed subdivision
      b. North point, scale and date
      c. Names, addresses and phone numbers of the owner, subdivider, engineer and registered land surveyor, with the name and address of the contact person to whom any notice is to be sent
      d. Outline of the entire area owned or controlled by the subdivider with approximate boundary dimensions and total acreage
      e. Existing streets and roads expected to serve the area to be subdivided
      f. Existing utility lines expected to serve the area to be subdivided
      g. Existing and proposed zoning
      h. Method of sewage disposal
      i. Method of water supply
      j. Electric service provider
      k. Method of fire protection
      l. School district
      m. Gas service provider
B. Location map review process
   1. The subdivider shall submit nine prints of the location map and support data to the Village Clerk. The subdivision will be reviewed according to the filing deadline and review schedule as established by the Village Board
   2. The Village Clerk shall retain two prints on file and distribute the location map and support data as follows
      a. One to each Village Board member
      b. One to the Village President
   3. The subdivider shall also submit prints of the location map and support data along with the review schedule as established by the Village Board to the following
      a. One print to the Village Engineer
      b. One to Village Water, Light and Power - Water Department
      c. One to Springfield Metro Sanitary District
      d. One to Springfield Engineering Department
      e. One to Springfield Fire Department
      f. One to the appropriate school district
      g. One to the County Highway Department, if applicable
      h. One to the County Department of Public Health, if applicable
      i. One to the County Soil and Water Conservation District, if applicable
      j. One to the appropriate Township Commissioner, if applicable
      k. One to the State Department of Transportation, if applicable
      l. One to any additional utility provider that may be affected by the development
   4. The entities listed in divisions B. and C. above shall transmit any comments on the suitability of the site in writing the Village Clerk within seven calendar days of receipt. Receipt of plans must be acknowledged
   5. The Village Clerk then will compile the comments from all the entities as listed in division D. above within two calendar days
   6. The compiled comments will then be distributed to the Village Board and Village President to evaluate at a special meeting within five calendar days from the date of receipt from the Village Clerk. During the special meeting, the Village Board shall make recommendations to approve or disapprove the location map with corrections. Lack of a recommended action at the special Board meeting shall constitute a negative recommendation
   7. After the special Board meeting, the Village Clerk shall submit all comments and recommendations to the subdivider. The subdivider shall address comments and review recommendations received from the Village Board. The subdivider shall submit all comments and any revisions to the Village Clerk within 14 calendar days for the next regular scheduled Village Board meeting
   8. At the next regular Board meeting, the Village Board shall review the comments and revisions received from the subdivider. The Village Board shall approve or disapprove the location map based on the suitability criteria as previously outlined. If the location map is disapproved, the owners shall be informed in writing of the noncompliance found. The Village Board decision may be appealed to the Village Board as described in § 153.008
      1. Approval
      2. Disapproval
Completed by: _______________________________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________________________
Date: _______________________________________________________________________________
Completed Copy to Village Clerk:       Date: ________________________________________
                     By: _________________________________________
Date Received: ______________________    By: ________________________________________
                           Village Clerk
Checklist for Minor Subdivision Final Plat
Checklist for Minor Subdivision Final Plat
A. Final plat submission requirements
   The final plat shall be consistent with the current zoning
   The following shall be submitted on a plan drawn to the scale of no more than 100 feet to the inch or in accompanying documents
   1. North point, scale and date of preparation and any revisions
   2. Names and addressed of the owner, engineer and registered land surveyor
   3. Total acreage
   4. Lot numbers
   5. Existing utilities and drainage courses within and adjacent to the site
   6. Location of all present property lines, section lines, streets, building and watercourses within 100 feet of the area
   7. Location of proposed lots, setback lines and utility easements
   8. Contours referring to the U.S. Geological Survey datum with intervals of two feet or less unless a greater interval is required because of terrain. This requirement may be waived by the Village Engineer at his or her sole discretion
   9. If applicable, a note on the final plat stating: “Approval of this final plat by the Village of Southern View does not constitute a guarantee that well water is of adequate quantity or quality for residential needs or that a suitable sewage disposal system can be constructed on each lot”. Any guarantees are the subdivider’s responsibility
   10. A statement indicating whether or not any part of the plat is located in a special flood hazard area as identified by the Federal Emergency Management Agency
   11. A notation stating any setback required through covenants if the setbacks are different from those of the appropriate zoning district
B. Accompanying documents
   The following documents shall accompany the final plat
   1. A signed statement of a registered professional engineer and the owner of the land, or his or her duly authorized attorney, as required by state statutes concerning drainage (see § 153.114)
   2. Notarized acknowledgment of the plat by the owner or a duly authorized attorney. This item may be a separate document or on the plat itself (see § 153.113)
   3. The certificate of a registered state land surveyor attesting to the accuracy of the survey and the location of all monuments shown. The certificate may be filed as a supplement to the final plat (see § 153.112)
   4. Exhibit showing the location of wells and seepage field areas (must be large enough to accommodate two seepage fields) on each lot, if applicable
   5. Any covenants or restrictions relating to the requirements of this chapter
Review Process
Review Process
A. The subdivider shall file nine prints of the minor subdivision in the office of the Village Clerk with a filing fee of $100 to be deposited to the appropriate village account. The subdivision will be reviewed according to the filing deadline and review schedule established by the Village Board
B. The Village Clerk shall retain two prints on file and distribute the location map and sketch maps and support data as follows
   1. One print to each Village Board member
   2. One print to the Village President
C. The subdivider shall also submit prints of the minor subdivision and support data along with the review schedule as established by the Village Board to the following
   1. One print to the Village Engineer
   2. One to Village Water, Light and Power - Water Department
   3. One to Springfield Metro Sanitary District
   4. One to Springfield Engineering Department
   5. One to Springfield Fire Department
   6. One to the appropriate school district
   7. One to the County Highway Department, if applicable
   8. One to the County Department of Public Health, if applicable
   9. One to the County Soil and Water Conservation District, if applicable
   10. One to the appropriate Township Commissioner, if applicable
   11. One to any additional utility provider that may be affected by the development
   12. One to the State Department of Transportation, if applicable
D. The entities listed in divisions B. and C. above shall transmit any comments on the suitability of the site in writing the Village Clerk within seven calendar days of receipt. Receipt of plans must be acknowledged
E. The Village Clerk then will compile the comments from all the entities as listed in division D. above within two calendar days
F. The compiled comments will then be distributed to the Village Board and Village President to evaluate at a special meeting within five calendar days from the date of receipt from the Village Clerk. During the special meeting, the Village Board shall make recommendations. Lack of a recommended action at the special Board meeting shall constitute a negative recommendation
G. After the special Board meeting, the Village Clerk shall submit all comments and recommendations to the subdivider. The subdivider shall address comments and review recommendations received from the Village Board. The subdivider shall submit all comments and any revisions to the Village Clerk within 14 calendar days for the next regular scheduled Village Board meeting
H. At the next regular Board meeting, the Village Board shall review the comments and revisions received from the subdivider. The Village Board shall approve or disapprove the final plat of the minor subdivision
Submission of Minor Subdivision Plat to the Village Board
Submission of Minor Subdivision Plat to the Village Board
A. Upon receipt of the endorsed original minor subdivision plat and two prints, the Village Clerk shall retain one print on file and shall deliver one print to the Village Engineer
B. The Village Clerk shall deliver the original minor subdivision plat to the Village Board at its next regular session after receiving the documents from the Village Board and other agencies
C. The minor subdivision plat shall remain pending on the agenda of the Village Board and shall not be approved by the Village Board until the following have been received
   1. Written certification from the Village Engineer that the plat has been reviewed and any required public improvements have been approved, as described in § 153.088
   2. A certificate provided by the subdivider from the County Clerk indicating that payment of taxes is not delinquent (see § 153.116)
D. If the requirements of this section have not been met within two years from Plan Commission approval, the existing approvals and recommendations shall expire and the plat must be resubmitted and reviewed as a new minor subdivision
8. At the next regular Board meeting the Village Board shall review the comments and revisions received from the subdivider. The Village Board shall approve or disapprove the location map based on the suitability criteria as previously outlined. If the location map is disapproved, the owners shall be informed in writing of the noncompliance found. The Village Board decision may be appealed to the Village Board as described in § 153.008
   1. Approval
   2. Disapproval
Completed by: ________________________________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________________________
Date: ________________________________________________________________________________
Completed Copy to Village Clerk      Date: _____________________________________________
                  By: ____________________________________________
Date Received: ________________   By: ____________________________________________
                                 Village Clerk
(Prior Code, § 153.162) (Ord. 06-01-01, passed 1-9-2006)