§ 50.62 PERMITS.
   (A)   Scope of requirements. No person or contractor may perform any of the following acts without first obtaining a permit from the village. Nothing in this section shall be construed to exempt any person from obtaining any additional permit, authorization or permission as are required by law. Persons obtaining such permits must identify on the permit application an arborist that will complete the work.
      (1)   Plant, remove, trim, or otherwise disturb any tree, shrub or stump, or any part thereof, located on village-owned property, including, without limitation, right-of-way. This provision shall not be construed to prohibit owners of property adjacent to village-owned property from watering, pruning or fertilizing without a permit, any tree or shrub located on such village-owned property.
      (2)   Apply mulch to trees located on village-owned property, including right of way. All mulch applied must meet with ISA standards. Mulch should not be in contact with trees, and volcano mulching is not permitted. Mulch should be 2"- 4" thick but cleared away from the tree’s trunk to prevent mulch from contacting trunk.
      (3)   Install planter boxes on village-owned property. Planter boxes that are added after a tree has been planted can only be approximately 4"- 6" higher than the tree’s root flare. Materials added to box cannot cover root flare or come into contact with trunk. Any plants or planter boxes damaged in the removal or maintenance of a tree are the permit applicant’s, and not the village’s, responsibility.
      (4)   Place on village-owned property, including right-of-way, either above or below ground level, a container for trees or shrubs.
      (5)   Damage, cut, tap, carve or transplant any tree or shrub located on village-owned property, including right-of-way.
      (6)   Attach any rope, wire, nail, sign, poster, appurtenance or any other man-made object to any tree or shrub located on village-owned property, including right of way.
   (B)   Issuance. Within a reasonable time after receiving a permit application, the Community Development Department shall issue a permit to perform within 30 days of the date of issuance any of the acts specified in division (A) of this section, if:
      (1)   Such acts would result in the abatement of a public nuisance; or
      (2)   Such acts comply with the regulations or standards of this code and the village’s Engineering Design & Inspection Policy Manual, as amended; and
      (3)   The permit application is complete and contains all necessary information requested by the village, including, without limitation, the applicant’s name and signature, a plan detailing the location, number, size and species of trees or shrubs, that will be affected by work proposed under the permit, a description of the permit’s purpose and the methods to be used, and any additional information reasonably requested by the village; and
      (4)   The applicant certifies that he or she has read and understands those provisions of this chapter and of the ordinance which are pertinent to the work for which the permit is sought; and
      (5)   The applicant indemnifies and holds the village harmless for all damage resulting from the permitted work and complies with the insurance requirements set forth in § 50.05 of this code.
   (C)   Public utility companies. Nothing in this section shall be construed to exempt public utility companies or their agents from any of the requirements of this chapter.
   (D)   Exceptions. The following persons are exempt from permit requirements noted above:
      (1)   The Public Works Department, its employees, contractors and agents;
      (2)   Persons performing work within village right-of-way authorized by a plat of subdivision approved by the village;
      (3)   Those acts which the Director determines are immediately necessary to protect or enhance the public health, safety and welfare; and
      (4)   Installations associated with a planned development or single family home construction permit that are specifically identified on the plans and specifications approved by the village for the planned development or single-family home.
(Ord. 2014-23, passed 6-16-14)