§ 157.066 ENFORCEMENT.
   (A)   Wherever the Planning Engineer or his or her authorized representative finds that the work done or not done under any land disturbance permit issued under the tenets of this chapter fails to conform to the approved plan or plans, he or she shall direct conformance to the plan as he or she deems necessary, to include the issuance of a written order to comply, to suspend work, to revoke the permit issued, or to seek redress through legal action, or to withhold the release of permanent electric power to the site.
   (B)   All violations of the provisions of this chapter by any person, partnership, or corporation, whether public or private, that come to the attention of any responsible individual concerned shall be reported to the Planning Engineer or the Soil and Water Conservation District.
   (C)   The governing authority of the county or the Soil and Water Conservation District may obtain the injunctive relief to enjoin violations of any land disturbance permit issued upon the approval of a submitted sediment control and drainage plan or flood control plan; and any person damaged as a result of the violations may, upon a proper showing of damages, obtain payment by a civil action.
(1985 Code, § 5, 5.20) Penalty, see § 157.999