(A)   The preliminary plat shall meet the minimum standards of design set forth in these regulations.
   (B)   It shall include the following information:
      (1)   Plat information.
         (a)   Proposed name of subdivision, and name of owner and/or subdivider;
         (b)   Name of surveyor and engineer, with seal;
         (c)   Graphic scale, title, date, and north arrow identified as either magnetic, true, or grid north;
         (d)   Scaled vicinity map showing the relationship of the subdivision to the surrounding area’s road system;
         (e)   Total acreage to be subdivided; and
         (f)   Boundaries of the tract to be subdivided with all bearings and distances indicated. The boundary survey shall be to a degree of accuracy as required by the South Carolina State Board of Engineering Examiners Minimum Standards Manual for the Practice of Land Surveying in South Carolina.
      (2)   Existing conditions.
         (a)   Topographic contours at vertical intervals of not more than two (2) feet extended a sufficient distance beyond the boundaries of the proposed subdivision to aid in the determination of divisions (e) and (f) below. All elevations shall refer to Mean Sea Level Datum, and the source of the topographic survey shall be indicated on the plat. The County Engineer shall have the authority to waive or interpret any portion of this requirement;
         (b)   In case of a resubdivision, a copy of the existing plat will be submitted and the proposed resubdivision will be imposed thereon if necessary;
         (c)   Location of existing adjoining property with deed record names of the owners of the property and existing buildings at the boundary line;
         (d)   Existing buildings within the proposed tract to be subdivided;
         (e)   Identification and location of: streams; rivers; ponds; lakes; swamps; wetlands; and all lands which are within major natural drainage channels, as shown on the drainage map of Chapter 157, and subject to inundation by a flood with a return frequency of 100 years. The ten (10) year return frequency flood shall be similarly identified and located where § 151.047 (B)(1)(h) applies;
         (f)   Identification, location and acreage of all off-site drainage systems impacting on and/or being impacted by the proposed subdivision;
         (g)   Identification and location of the rights-of-way of streets, roads, railroads and utility lines either on or adjacent to the property to be subdivided with identification of utilities in easements and/or rights-of-way with tower and pole;
         (h)   Identification, location, and size of existing sewers, water mains, drains, culverts, or other underground facilities within the street or within the right-of-way of roads adjoining the property to be subdivided. Grades and invert elevations shall be shown; and
         (i)   Location of city and/or county lines (if applicable).
      (3)   Proposed conditions. Preliminary plat submittal shall reflect the physical development of the proposed subdivision in accordance with divisions (a) through (i) below and, as applicable, in accordance with the requirements of §§ 151.045 through 151.054 of these regulations.
         (a)   Total number of lots, with lot size indicated;
         (b)   Layout of roads, public crosswalks and the like, with widths, names or designations, grades and cross sections showing existing and finished grades;
         (c)   Layout of all lots, including building setback lines, scaled dimension of lots, lot and block numbers, drainage and utility easements with width and use noted;
         (d)   Preliminary plan of sanitary sewer system drawn and engineered to meet the requirements of the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control, and the responsible public or private operating agency;
         (e)   Preliminary plan of water distribution system drawn and engineered to the requirements of the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control, and the responsible public or private operating agency;
         (f)   Preliminary plan of storm drainage system in accordance with the specific requirements of the County Engineer's Office;
         (g)   Designation of all land (if any) to be used, reserved, or dedicated for public use;
         (h)   Designation of proposed uses of lots not intended for single-family residential use (if any); and
         (i)   Proposed major contour changes in areas which are to be substantially cut and/or filled.
(1985 Code, Ch. 12, § 5.1) Penalty, see § 151.999