(A)   It is the duty of every person owning, keeping, or harboring within the town any dog six months of age or older to cause such dog to be registered with the Town Clerk-Treasurer, by giving the Clerk-Treasurer a description of the dog, including its name, breed and sex, and the owner’s or keeper’s name and address, and applying for and obtaining a license for such dog, within 30 days after such dog reaches the age of six months or after the dog is brought into the town, and on or before May 1 of each year thereafter.
   (B)   The registration and license tax provided in this chapter shall not apply to a dog only temporarily brought and kept within the town, nor to a dog brought within the town to participate in a dog show, nor to a “seeing eye” dog when such dog is actually being used by a blind person to aid him, her, or them in going from place to place, nor to dogs being kept in kennels or pet shops for sale.
(Prior Code, § 4-108) Penalty, see § 90.99