Any dog or other animal found running at large in violation of § 94.01 of this chapter may be impounded on sight and placed in the animal shelter maintained by the Springfield and Clark County Humane Society. The costs of impounding and maintaining an animal in the animal shelter shall be paid by the owner or other person having charge or control of the animal so impounded before the animal may be returned by the agent in charge of the animal shelter to the owner or other person having charge or control thereof. When an animal is impounded, the owner or person having charge or control of the animal shall be notified by mail or by personal service, if known, or if not known, by publication of a general description of the animal once in a local newspaper of general circulation in the county. In the event that the owner or person having charge or control of the animal does not redeem the animal within a period of three days from the mailing of the notice, the service of the notice or the publication of the notice, then the agent in charge of the animal shelter may make such disposition as he or she desires of such animal.